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The Penitent: Down & Out in Deadtown Part 1

General Summary

What follows is an After-Action report on the activities of The Penitent , offering a summary of a particular Intervention  

The Missive

Manage the Myrgraf Mystery  

Intervention Overview

Penitents Sennic, Kharesen, and Doric are dispatched to Deadtown, a district within the chaotic city of Myrgraf. Devila, a resident of Deadtown, has asked them to investigate a series of grisly murders that has somehow stripped the "deadfolk" of Deadtown of their soul's essence. In other words, these murders have killed the "dead." As the Penitents began their investigation--starting with the murder that occurred at The Chartreuse Lantern--they were forced to contend with the chaotic nature of this city, which involved combat with feral wights, shadows, and a formidable ghost warrior.   From the Lantern, the trail lead to the looming structure of Arcallium Finitus where they met with Callista Graywood, who functions as a kind of "mayor" for Deadtown, and examined the bodies of the deadfolk. There they were confronted with more unfortunate news--another body has been discovered. The Penitents investigation must continue.  

Salient Details

  • Deadtown has its own security force in the form of "Bobbies," which are exactly what they sound like. Every member of the Bobbies is named some form of Bobbie.
  • A cursory examination of the victim's bodies revealed the rrutal precision through which they met their end. Not surgical in execution--more visceral than that--but exacting. The relevance of this information is not yet known.
  • Character(s) interacted with

    • Devila--general contractor, petitioner, invested in Deadtown community
    • Rooke Valecroft--ghostly bartender of The Chartreuse Lantern
    • Callista Graywood--the "mayor" of Deadtown
    Report Date
    18 Aug 2024
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location


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