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The Penitent: Wake in the Break, Part One

General Summary

What follows is an After Action Report on the activities of The Penitent , offering a summary of a particular Intervention.  

The Missive

Attend the Aonach  

Intervention Overview

Penitents Doric Rubicant, Immeron, and Kharesen were called to Yarlsmorg, a settlement in the Smorgmellen Valley of Gattland, nestled among the mountains of The Break. There, they met the petitioner, a woman named Clarris Rainore The previous leader of the people of the Smorgmellen Valley, called a Torchbreaker, has died. She believes the heir apparent, her nephew, unfit to lead as he is firmly in the pocket of the Alerki Ascendency. As is tradition, three days of funerary games, an event called the Aonach, has been declared, with the final event of the games, a combat ritual known as the Circle, deciding who among qualified candidates becomes Torchbreaker. Thus, she extended the benefits of clan membership to these Penitents in the hope that they would help steer the events of the Aonach to ensure a more suitable candidate becomes Torchbreaker. The Penitent will need to impress the gathered Yarlsfolk as well as win the Circle as members of the candidates Cadellen, or Keepers, to ensure a peaceful transition of power.   The Penitent agreed to this, became members of clan Rainore, and set about discovering which candidate, other than the Ascendency puppet of Thimgris Rockmaw, to support. Those included Kilende of the Coldsky, a tabaxi from deep in the Break, devoted to stewardship of the region; Anwyl, an elf who leads a clan distrustful of outsiders, holding sway over lands abutting The Icehost; and Maudilac Shalebound, an outgoing young satyr from Yarlsmorg who understands the importance of relationships. They'll have time to get to know each candidate as the games continue.   The first opportunity to impress the Yarlsfolk emerged with the Hunt, which is an unofficial competition to provide food for the upcoming funeral feast. Those that typically bring the most dangerous (and delicious) game are offered acknowledgement and respect. Luckily, the Penitents proved to be able hunters, bringing down a collection of aurochs before setting their sight on larger prey--that of a giant flying beast called a kongamato.   This overview will conclude in Part Two.  

Salient Details

  • This particular Penitent team is known as The Jimmie Rustlers. There are various theories as to why.
  • Thimgris connection to the Ascendency revealed itself in the form of Ordinator Jaeyms, who appears to be deeply involved in his affairs
  • The Penitents also fought some rampaging bears in the campground and a Fire Elemental in their dreams, as one does.
  • Before the Intervention, Immeron petitioned Esastrov to ask Brelvonis to consider his Penitence concluded. Doric also joined him in this task. Esatrov said she would mention it to Brelvonis, but Immeron's debt is substantial.

Rewards Granted

Level 4!

Character(s) interacted with

  • Clarris Rainore--Matriarch of the Rainore clan; Brass Lamb operative
  • Thimgris Rockmaw--Torchbreaker candidate; son of the recently deceased Torchbreaker; believes in acclamation by familial right
  • Jaeyms--Ordinator of the Alerki Ascendency
  • Anwyl--Torchbreaker candidate; leader of a insular clan from lands near the The Icehost
  • Kilende of the Coldsky--Torchbreaker candidate; leads her people from lands high up in the Break
  • Maudilac Shalebound--Torchbreaker candidate; gregarious leader from Svalsborg    
Report Date
07 Apr 2024
Primary Location


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