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Truing is a gathering organized by the Wheel and serves as both a collective assembly as well as a festival of fellowship. It is held in a designated area between the Swallows and the Outlawed Hills in the Free Cities of Marlock.


The first Truing was probably held in 701 AC, organized by Garalnus Glongarr, who felt that companionship and comradery were essential in the Balanced Wheel remaining True. It was also agreed upon that it was a good idea to meet from time to time to share tidings and solicit guidance on matters of importance to the entire collective.


Truing serves as both a tenday long festival--complete with a market, games and contests, and fellowship, along with more administrative activities and summits. It is a way for those that follow the Wheel to come together, reinforce and strengthen their collective bond, then departing to wander the path of the Wheel once more.


Most of those that closely follow the Wheel attend Truing. Some more ardent followers of the Wheel plan birthing rituals around the gathering, ensuring that they will give birth during the height of the festivities.   Others choose to plan their deaths during Truing, endeavoring to travel along that last, important spoke--Death--and to whatever life awaits them after this one.   The last night of Truing is called the Singing and is a night of great ritual followed by great revelry. It begins with titular Truing, in which followers of the Wheel form a circle around a large cavern called the Hollow and honor the three Spokes of the Wheel. With that complete, the party begins. There are rumors of arcane and esoteric mating practices that happen during the Singing, but if these encounters do occur, the participants keep it to themselves.


Truing takes place every three years during the first tenday of Vision.
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