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Aeilius and Neoma

Forever entwined, the Sun and Moon dance across the sky. Watchers of the world and the source of life for all who inhabit it, Aeilius and Luna continue to dance across the sky, watching over the people be it day or night.     Born to the House of TaiyoRyu the Sun Dragon, Aeilius was an elf of noble birth. Destined to carry the family name forever, he worked day in and day out to prove his worth. He studied the nobel arts, such as music and painting, as well as how to fight. By the time he was a young man, he was adept with both brush and sword. His reputation was grand and many lords wished to pair their daughter with him. Aeilius found that he neither cared for nor wished for a partner, as this life had left him empty. To him, the women were vain, only seeking to push their own families up rather than truly love him. He was sad, and from this fell into a depression. For 2 months, he locked himself in his room, only allowing his attendants to speak to him. For those two months, he spent his time with playing his viola, each song filled with sorrow and loneliness. Any who passed by the manor would tell stories of the lament of sadness that flowed from the window above the garden.   This, however; would change. On the eve of the first month, a new sound could be heard. From across the garden, in another manor, a flute joined him. At first it matched his own, responding to his sorrow, with notes of hope and patience. Aeilius did not care for it at first, believing only to be another suitor trying to grab his attention, but night after night it was there, waiting for him to begin his lament. It was not long before Aeilius began to look towards the night, waiting to hear the beautiful flute that brought joy to his music. Aeilius, however, was unaware of who the person behind his greatest joy. To answer this, one did only need to look into his own past to find the answer.   Neoma was the first and only daughter of the House of Tsuki Ryu, the Moon Dragon. From the moment of her birth, she was rebellious. Rather than sit and be groomed proper, she would spend her time exploring the woods that surrounded the elven city. It was there she would meet her greatest friend and first love. One day, while exploring the deeper parts of the forest, she came across a young boy, no older than she was, sitting beneath a tree. Curious, she crept close and watched him silently. Open in his lap was a sketchbook, and filling its pages were images of the animals of the forest. Patiently he would sit, only moving his hands and occasionally his head as the animals of the forest laid no more than a few feet in front of him. She was enthralled after a bit, approached him. Jumping out from behind the tree he was resting upon, she asked him his name. Startled the boy reeled back, the shock of which spooking the animals of the forest, sending them all off in different directions. At first the boy was mad, for he was only partially done with his drawing, but upon seeing the eager and earnest smile, he introduced himself Lius. Neoma extended a hand and introduced herself. The two immediately took to one another and spent the remainder of the day exploring the forest and learning of their new friend.   Day after day, Neoma would escape her duties to venture into the forest to play with her friend Lius. Together, they grew and taught each other new things. Neoma taught Lius the art of exploration, while Lius taught her the subtly and beauty of art and music. They would spend the days either in caves or by the pond playing music or drawing. For both of them, this time was precious, but even the best of things must come to an end. One day, Neoma ventured into the woods for what would be her last time, as hard as she looked, she could not find her friend Lius. She searched every cave and every pond, but with no luck. For weeks, she would search for him, but eventually she gave up, knowing that their time together had ended. What had once been her favorite part of her day, soon dulled into nothing. She no longer wished to explore the woods if Lius wasn't there, and eventually began her studies. Neoma learned the art of being a Lady and quickly excelled to the top of her classes. She spent many a day studying in her room, overlooking the family garden, reliving the memories of her time with her friend Lius.   One day, Neoma was given a gift she had always dreamed of. On the night of a full moon, the sound of a lament of sorrow filled the cool night air. At first she was filled with sadness, as the song felt heavy. This feeling, however, was replaced by a new one, for as sad as the song was, it was familiar. Over the next few nights, she listened intently, trying to grasp at the memory that hung just out of her reach. It frustrated her to no end, but on the eve of the first month, it finally hit her. The song belonged to Lius, but even still she was doubtful. To test this, she picked up the flute she had played as a child and responded to the songs feelings, reaching out with hope and patience, hoping to bring out a melody she had in her memory. Her wait was not long, as on the night of the first week, the song changed to one of joy. Together with the mysterious musician, the city streets near the manor were filled with songs of joy. Neoma was happy, but she still was not certain that the person was Lius. Luckily for her, the heavens were watching their fateful dance, and Corellon was not one to sit idly.   The night of the second month, Aeilius was visited in a dream. Sitting across from him was a young man, no older than 25, with a lute across his lap. He motioned for Aeilius to sit, and began to speak. “You’ve spent the last number of nights filling both heaven and earth with your beautiful music, but have yet to learn the identity of the muse that drives you so. Should you wish to find this person, hold a grand ball, and during it play your lament once more. If she wishes for you to find her, she will answer you. Hide no longer in your room, but venture forth to find the one who has reached your heart.”   Aeilius awoke, with a fiery passion burning in his chest. For the first time in two months, he emerged from his chambers and marched forth to his father. Bursting in to the study, Aeilius propositioned his father. “In one week, I wish to hold a ball. Invite all the men and women of the kingdom and tell them that Aeilius wishes to find his heart. They shall wear masks and I will choose my wife from those who attend.” His father sat for a moment, and thought. Then, he answered, “I will do this, but if you do not select a wife that night, you must agree to one of my choosing.”   In a second, Aeilius responded, “As you wish father, but know this. She will appear and I will move heaven and earth to be with her.”   With that, letters were drafted. To every house in the city, they were sent, containing instructions of the event. The city was alive for the next seven days, as people scrambled to prepare for Aeilius’ ball. Of the those people were Neoma. At first she resisted the idea, but as time went on, there was an urging in her heart. As if someone was guiding her, she felt that if she wanted to find the musician that visited her at night with their euphoney she would find them there. For the next few days, she fitted a dress and found a mask, one of a crescent moon, and prepared for the fateful day. Each night, she practiced her song with the mysterious musician, and on the night of the ball, set out with her flute tucked into her side.   Neoman arrived as the gates were opened, slipping in with the rest of the patrons. The home was glorious, its walls filled with paintings of lords of old and murals of the sun spread across the ceiling. Neoma followed the other patrons as they were lead into a grand ballroom. Along the sides by the massive columns that extended to the ceilings of the room, were tables covered in grand foods from all cross the known kingdoms. Glasses of the finest wines and champagnes were served by some of the finest connoisseur in the city. Time slipped by quickly, as Neoma wandered from table to table. The people that gathered there were of all walks of life, none who called themselves a citizen of the elven kingdom were excluded. To her, this was beautiful in its own right. Still, she had one goal in mind, to find Lius. Almost as soon as the thought entered her mind, it was interrupted by the dimming of the lights and a silence quickly fell over the crowd. It was not long that the silence was broken. A soft tone echoed through the room, and soon a figure emerged in the center of the room. It was a young man, dressed in a golden suit that radiated in the light that shone upon him. Adorning his face was a sun mask, and in his hands was viola. It took Neoma moments to recognize the song filling the room with its warmth and beauty. As if compelled by a mysterious force, she opened her case and brought out her flute. Gently, she placed her lips upon it and matched the man in the sun mask.   Aeilius was nervous at first. While he felt that his dream was real, he could not be certain. Still, he was not going to waste this chance. If the musician of the night that he longed for were going to be found, this was his last chance to find her. Gently he strolled to the center of the room with the viola he had first used to find the person who filled him with such hope and joy. As he picked it up to play, the lights began to dim and center on him. Bringing it up to his ear, he began his melody of joy. It was only a moment, but to him, it felt like an eternity. Each note played out like a call in the night, hoping the one he loved would answer. For a moment he felt alone once more, for the flute that joined in his chorus did not answer, but like a brilliant flash, the soft tone of a flute filled the air, matching the melody of his song. He spun around the room, doing his best to neither lose the melody or the location of the musician. It was not long that his eyes met that of a woman adorned in a crescent moon mask. As soon as they did this, they both began to move towards each other, the crowds now parting, as if signifying that the two lovers had finally found each other.   It may have only been moments, but for those present that night, the joining of Aelius of the Sun and Neoma of the Moon had moved many to tears. In both song and movement, they matched each other, every step complementing the other, every note seeking to lift the other up. By the time it ended there existed not a single dry eye or a person willing to step between the two lovers. After that night, Aelius pursued Neoma with a passion no other had before. Their courtship lasted one year, with their days filled with laughter and joy, while their nights were spent sharing melodies of the heart. After their first year together, Aeilius proposed to Neoma and within the season they were married. Together, with both their music and intense love for both each other and the elven people, they untied the people and formed the first royal family, the RyuTen. Upon their death, they were greeted by a young man with a lute. He smiled and was overjoyed to meet his favorite young lovers once more. While time would forget the two great houses that filled the air with their beauty and song, they would never forget the two lovers. Corellon gifted them once more and offered them a seat upon the Grand Pantheon as guardians of both Sun and Moon, to forever watch over the world with their dance of two souls forever bound in love.   Now Aeilius and Neoma dance across the heavens, every few decades meeting for a magnificent kiss that causes the world to stop and watch and know that the two lovers are always watching over the earth, be it day or night.

God of the Sun and Goddess of the Moon

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