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Beauty and magic have always been one, and with their creation Corellon was born. Corellon, God of Magic and Art, embodies the very principle of beauty and all that it entails.   When the first spell was cast, Corellon was born. Only an infant God at the time, his place among the other Gods was always difficult for him to find. Unlike Bahamut, God of Justice, or Ioun, Goddess of Knowledge, Corellon had no story that brought him to divinity. Born purely from the magic of the world, he lacked purpose. Corellon spent many of his early days with Ioun, asking her of his purpose and why he existed. Ioun tried her best to answer him, but even she did not know of the origins of Gods. She instead offered him advice, "The realm of mortals offers answers even we Gods can not answer. If there is a reason to be found, among their people is where you will find it."   With this advice, Corellon sought out Moradin and pleaded with her to allow him to descend to the Mortal Plane. She would eventually give in, but with a caveat. He would be allowed five years to find his answers, after which time he must return to the realm of gods once again. Corellon accepted this deal and prepared his things for his departure. He descended, and for a year wandered the world, endlessly searching.   His wandering would eventually bring him to Val Royeaux. Still in its infant stages, it was a city or magic. Corellon decided to call this home, and after applying endlessly, he found a master who would teach him. For a year more he studied the magics of the world, and eventually assisted in creating new magic. This time was a wonder for him, but it still left him with questions. It wasn't until Corellon was wondering the streets of Val Royeaux that his answer would come.   That day, in the market, a wondering band of minstrels were performing in the square. At first Corellon did not pay them any mind, but soon a soft tune caught his ear. The soft strum of a lute and the beautiful sonnet of the songstress reached his ears, and he wept. For the first time since his creation, Corellon found purpose. He quickly hopped back into his studies, now looking to create a new form of magic that combined the wonders of the arcane with the beauty of song and music. For two years he studied and experimented, and finally created what the world would eventually call "Bardic Magic." Both his art and his magic became things of legend, and with his final year, he taught all who would learn.   Once his final year came about, he ascended back to the heavens. Once there, Moradin greeted him and was pleased to see the smile that had drawn itself upon his face. For days after he showed the other Gods his new magic, and they revealed at his elegance and beauty.   Now Corellon sits upon his throne, watching over the mages and artists of the world with glee waiting for his chance to descend once again and partake in the beauty of the world.

God of Magic and Art

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