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Mortals have always felt the draw to one another, and from this society was born. First there were small villages, but before long there were mighty cities. From these acts, Erathis was born. Should one seek to build a new city, earning Erathis' boon will help it to flourish.   Among the first groups of mortals to be brought into the world, Erathis was born. During those times, people only stuck to small groups and were always on the road. Neither a home nor a land to call her own, she traveled with her people across the world. Erathis was a curious girl, however; and never missed a chance to speak and learn from other groups they came across. Every journey was a chance to learn and every story a lesson taught. For years she traveled like this, only meeting small groups, also with no places to stay. Erathis wondered, why did mortals only travel, why not make a home? Suddenly, as the question finished weaving itself in her mind, a spark was lit in her. She knew then what she needed to do.   That very night, Erathis gathered her things; clothes, maps, books, and that following morning set off. She said her goodbyes to the only family she knew, and began looking for a place to settle. At first it was difficult, neither the land nor the beats would give her any break. Eventually, though; she found a spot that was ideal for what she had planned. Near a large lake, across an empty meadow, she enacted her plan. First was shelter, unlike the wagons she was born on, this would need to be large and well protected. It took many tries, but on the eve of her first winter alone, she succeed. Now she needed food, and that would be much more challenging. Hunting was always what she had done, but she knew that hunting the same area would make it bear. The winter was hard, and many times she believed her end was close. Somehow though, she made it through, and that spring began anew.   With her home built, food was her top priority. For months she observed the wilds, before she had an epiphany. Many of the plants that the animals ate could be grow, and so she set to learn how to make her own feed. It took her a while to learn which plants were good and bad for people, but eventually she learned what to do. Unlike the plants of the wild, these plants needed to be maintained. Everyday she went to the lake to gather water and use it to water the plants. This became to taxing, so she set out to create an easier way to transport water. This lead her to create aqueducts that would bring the water to her. With her farm running, she could focus on learning new things.   Her first few years were lonely, but eventually her perseverance would pay off. A wondering group stumbled upon her home and began to talk with her. They were curious at first, why stay in one place? Did she not know that to eat one needed to follow the herds of beasts? She explained to them her farming and her home, and soon a few of those wanderers joined her. Year after year her community grew, with each new group passing, the tale of her city spread. Eventually it became to large to manage, so other set off to build ones of their own. Before she knew it, wanderers began to settle and soon civilization was born.   Erathis was happy, seeing the world she imagined come to life, but just like all things, time caught up to her. On her death bed, people from all over gathered to thank her, and those that were there when she passed swore she died with a smile across her face.   When she awoke, she was young again, like the day she set out to first create her city. Sitting before her was a beautiful women, Moradin, Goddess of Creation. She was happy to finally meet and offered to just talk for a bit. They spoke, and Moradin marveled at the stories Erathis spun, of people and places, of beasts and monsters. Erathis enjoyed this time, but eventually she spoke her mind.   "I know someone as grand as you did not bring me here just to chat," she spoke inquisitively. "No, you are right, but i wanted to see what kind of person you were before I decided," Moradin respond, a sweet tone behind ever word. "Decided what?" asked Erathis, now even more curious. "Whether or not to place you among my court. The cities you've created are wondrous, but the mortals that inhabit them will need someone to turn to for guidance from now on. Why not the very one who created them?" Moradin responded.   Erathis was taken aback. She never would have imagined that she would find herself among the Gods. It took her a bit to respond, Moradin still sitting across form her with a sweet and gentle smile across her face. Eventually she accepted, and with those words she was whisked away to a palace more grand than anything she could have imagined. In it were books from all over, written in every language she had ever heard, and eventually she found a room of her own. In it was simply a sphere, and this puzzled her. On this sphere were masses of green surrounded by blue.   "What is this," Erathis thought aloud, puzzled by its very appearance. "That is is a map of the world you once called home," came a voice from behind her. Out stepped an older women, draped in a large robe, holding a book and a quill. "Moradin asked me to put it in your room, as she believes you will find the most use for it." Erathis was perplexed, but after a while she learned how to use it. With this tool, she was able to to travel the world, viewing ever inch of it as well as see the people of those lands.   Now she sits in her study, watching over the people of Gaya Maahes, ever captivated by their growth and their cities.

Goddess of Civilization

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