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All that is known and all that will be know flows from Ioun, Goddess of Knowledge. Sworn to keep record of all knowledge possessed by mortals, she keeps a book close to her and uses it to follow the flow of knowledge.   Ioun was born a sickly girl. From the beginning her very survival was always in question. However, she pulled through, and with time grew to be an exceptionally intelligent women. Though she was confined to her room, she spent every waking moment reading. Whether it was books of fantasy or history, common or draconic, she learned and read them all. Over time she learned how to make medicines and on the eve of her thirteenth birthday, she created a mixture to cure her fragility. Strengthened and free, she set out into the city she called home and began to wander. To her, every interaction was a chance to see more. She kept a journal on her at all times and would frequently write in it to keep record of her new found freedom.   Eventually she came of age, and once she was old enough, she set out to find a life for herself. To her, their was only one question she truly wanted answered. With the world as beautiful as it is, she wanted to know who created it. At first she set out for great cities and petitioned their scholars to learn. Taking in their history and culture, she kept records of them for herself to seek answers to her question. From city to city, continent to continent she traveled, but none could provide her the answer she sought. It wasn't until she found herself in service as an apothecary, that she would find her answer.   During her journey, she came upon a king who was set upon by war. Monsters had began to invade his home, and he was in dire need of help. Under her new employer, she agreed to use her understanding of medicine and in exchange she would have access to all his records. This worked for a long time, until one fateful day.   Surrounded on all sides, the camp she was assigned to was barely holding. Men and women were severely injured and the ones who could fight were far to fatigued to keep fighting. Still the orcs came and over and over again the soldiers tried to hold them off. Ioun was doing her best, moving from tent to tent tending to the wounded and healing as many soldiers as she could. It was not to long, however; until the orcs broke through. Screams from soldiers as they were slaughtered pierced the air, and Ioun knew she only had moments left. She gathered up as many soldiers as she could and led them away. All the soldiers she gathered had been able to escape, but before she herself could, she was grabbed. Tossed like a limp doll, she was flung across the camp, landing in a pile of debris.   Standing before her was a mighty orc, large in stature and covered in the blood of fallen men. Ioun knew her time had come and thought to herself, "my only regret is never answering my final question." It was in those moments, however; a flash of radiant light filled the air. Standing before Ioun was a magnificent women cloaked in radiant light. The orcs that were tearing through the camp, now gone. Ioun was taken aback. Never before had she met a person as glorious and radiant as her. It was quite a bit before Ioun was able to stammer out a "Who are you?"   The women slowly turned toward her, the light still surrounding her like a vibrant cloak. "I am Moradin, the answer to your question. I am she who created the world." Ioun was shocked, in all of her studies, none had portrayed their creator in such esteemed beauty. She eventually collected herself and asked, "Why save me?" For a moment the Goddess stood there, puzzled look upon her face. Then she answered "One day you will know, but that time is not now." And with those words she disappeared.   The following few days were hectic. Only Ioun had seen Moradin's face and she knew she needed to spread her word across the world. She contacted every scholar she knew and began to spread the word of the church of Moradin. For the next fifty years she wrote every book, every religious text, every notable event, in an effort to spread her name. On the eve of her death, Ioun sat in front of her window. Unlike when she was a child, she was happy. Before her was a church, built to a Goddess who saved her, and most of all, one who answered her final question. Upon her passing, the church mourned her for thirteen day, the same time in years she spent unable to join the world.   When Ioun arrived in the Heavens, she was greeted by a familiar face. Before her stood a glorious and beautiful women. Moradin welcomed her and for a while they chatted. Eventually Ioun asked her a question she had held on to for a long time. "How come you saved me back then?"   Moradin smiled and ushered her to another room. In it were books lining cases as far as the eye could see. In the middle of the room was a scroll. It was slowly scrolling. "This is an article that watches over time. With it, you will be able to view time from the very beginning." Ioun thought for a secodn, then the realization hit her. "So with this we can you can travel through time?" "Not just me, you and all the other Gods," Moradin responded. "Me?" Ioun asked. "Yes," Moradin said, "Who better to record the very essence of time then you, one who was spent her whole life pursuing it?"   Ioun was elated, finally all she sought would be laid before her. Not only could she see and record time, but she could physically be there to witness it. In only a short amount of time, she began to set to work. Starting from the beginning she chronicled everything. From the first mortals to the first incursion, she viewed it all.   Now she sits in her room, watching over time and recording the deeds of mortals for time.

Goddess of Knowledge

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