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Strength is the currency in which life is valued. Those who possess strength are valued, while those who lack it are cast aside. While many civilizations work to oppose this order, it is impossible to escape. However, this law is not unjust, and there exists a god to oversee the strong and to raise up those who seek strength in earnest. Kord, God of Strength, sees that those who are worthy ascend in strength, challenging them every step of the way.   When Kord was born, it is said that the earth itself trembled at his presence. Born to the Goliaths, he was said to rival even the Giants themselves. In the beginning, the tribes were scattered, only living in small groups. They primarily lived within the mountains, only ever leaving its safety to trade with other tribes or the Half-Orcs of the valley. Kord resented the Goliaths, believing them to be weak. While they boasted considerable size and power, they were forced to kneel before the Giants of the land, never able to rise to their full glory. Kord spent his early years training his body, crafting it into the most dangerous weapon the world had ever seen. By the time he was able to walk, he was said to be able to lift boulders and hurl bears with the greatest of ease. When he eventually grew into adolescence, he was the most formidable warrior on any battlefield. His presence alone was said to strike fear into the hearts of the barbaric Orcs and Goblin tribes that infested the mountains.   The Giants quickly learned of Kord and became curious of the warrior. They lorded over the Goliaths, oppressing them with their immeasurable size and immense strength, and upon seeing Kord, believed he too could become a tool to be used. The Frost Giants were the first to seek him out and sent a champion to Kord. They wished to be the first to acquire his power and use it to dominate the other Giants, but the meeting did not go as expected. After four days and four nights, the champion returned, his head removed from his body. Kord had defeated the champion in combat and the messenger sent along side the champion relayed his message. “The Goliaths are no man’s pawn. We are proud and mighty, the first of Moradine’s kin to grace the earth as her children. Should you wish servitude, you will find none from me. I will crush all who seek to dominate through ill gotten strength and defeat you at every turn.”   The Frost Giants were thrown into a fury. Never before had they been disgraced like this, and they would not allow it to stand. They assembled their forces and marched on Kord’s home. However, they were not prepared for what they found. While the Giants feasted upon their mountain, Kord set about uniting the Goliath clans. Challenging each group to combat, he defeated his opponent and had the clan join his, creating the first tribe. When the Frost Giants attacked, they were met head on by the Goliaths, now sick of their life of servitude. The battle was bloody, but under the leadership of Kord, they crushed the Frost Giants and sent them back to their mountain, tail tucked between their legs.   The other Giants soon learned of the defeat, each taking the news differently. The Hill Giants, dumb as they were ugly, thought the Frost Giants were weak and attacked the Goliaths. They were swiftly defeated by Kord and his men. The Stone Giants remained in their mountain and crafted their works, believing the politics of the outer world to be none of their concern. The Fire Giants, crafters of the some of the greatest tool in history, offered Kord a gift in exchange for being left out of his crusade. They crafted him a weapon of unparalleled power, an axe that could slay even the mightiest foe, and Kord in exchange allowed them to remain in their home as long as they never threatened the surface. The Cloud Giants, the neutralist that they were, stayed in their cities in the sky, but did offer Kord a single vision. In it, he was shown in a mighty battle against the mighty armies of the Storm Giants. With this information, Kord prepared his people for what would be their greatest fight yet.   Just as the prophecy had predicted, the Storm Giants prepared their armies to invade. Unlike the Frost Giants, they were far larger and much deadlier. They towered over all the other Giant races and form atop their mountain, they prepared for war. Kord was no coward, however, and refused to back down. He too gathered his forces and set up a final stand within their home land.   The battle was short and bloody. Many Goliaths fell that day, but even more Giants fell as well. Kord led his troops with courage and strength, meeting ever foe head on in battle. Eventually, the King of the Storm Giants,Vandrfurr, came face to face with Kord. He got up from his throne and offered a challenge to Kord. “Fight me in an honorable duel and let us end the bloodshed here. Should I win, I will allow your people to return to their lives as they one were, as slaves. We will not seek vengeance for your rebellion.” Kord simply laughed, almost doubling over. Through his laughter he responded, “If I did not believe I could not defeat you Vandrfurr, I would not have challenged you. Once I defeat you, I will banish your people to their home, never to set foot outside your gates ever again.”   Vandrfurr roared and with that the challenge was set. Kord met him head on, meeting the crash of Vandrfurr’s hammer with his own ax. The battle took only a minute, but it felt like an eternity as the two fought. Kord was large, standing at nine feet tall, but Vandrfurr was even larger, being a giant, and stood at twenty five feet tall. At first, the battle looked one sided, as Vanderfurr had the advantage. However, Kord was a man of relentless fury and strength, and crushed the Storm Giant using nothing but his ax and overwhelming strength. Kord struck Vandrfurr hard in his stomach, and when he reeled over in pain, Kord cut his head off.   Covered in blood and wounded, Kord let out a mighty roar, the sound of which struck fear into the hearts of the Giants. They began to flee, fearing they too would meet Kord’s wrath. They rushed back to their kingdom and closed the gates behind them. From there, Kord picked up the largest boulder he could find and hurled it at the gate, sealing it for all eternity. From there, Kord returned home a hero and a leader. He used his standing to establish the clans of today. First the Bjornari, the Fire Bears, to defend the clans from all who wished to bring it harm. Next were the Varfer, the Ice Wolves, to seek out battle and put an end to enemies before they can strike. After them he created the Vindari, the Wind Eagles, to scout the mountains for enemies that threatened their sacred land. Fourth were the Fjelgr, the Mountain Elks, who would hunt the beasts of the wild and provide food for the tribes. Finally he established the Skogfoa, the Forest Foxes, who would travel their lands in search of new areas to expand to and uncover the secrets of their home land.   Years later, when Kord was an old man, after he had married and birthed children who in turn birthed children, did he welcome death. Upon the eve of his passing, he stood from atop a mountain that oversaw his people, and saw what he had created. His people were free, no longer slaves to the Giants, and he was happy. While up there, he was visited by a women. Draped in glorious robes, she stood next to him. While he did not know who she was, there was a familiarity to her. He felt at ease standing next to and for a while did just that. Eventually, the woman spoke up, “I am Melora, Goddess of Nature. Kord, I have watched you for a long time now, and wished to meet you. With your death so close I finally saw my chance and here we stand.” Kord smiled, the weariness in his voice was apparent. “I am an old man now. I am no longer the chief of my people. I am not the warrior you know of old. What could someone as divine as you wish from an old man like me.”   Melora smiled and spoke, “The world is filled with men and women who seek that which you were able to achieve. They toil in the dirt while those above them abuse and oppress them. They wish for the strength to fight as you have fought and to defeat their enemies. I wish to make you the avatar of that dream and make you the God of Strength. You will watch over the people of this beautiful world and bestow strength on those you deem worthy. You will be able to watch your people grow and see a world made possible by your actions.”   Kord was taken aback. To be offered something so grand was beyond what he had ever imagined. He responded, his voice now shaking, “I have done nothing that would make me worthy of this gift, but I will fulfill my role as best as I can. I will serve loyally and only hope I bring honor to someone as divine as yourself.”   Melora, with a gentleness behind her words, spoke, “we will see each other soon. When you finally rest for the last time, I will carry you to the heavens to serve by my side.”   With that, she disappeared, as if she were merely a dream. Still, Kord felt an ease in his heart that he had not felt in a long time and that night, he passed. It was said that in response to his death, the earth shuddered once more, its cry in response to loosing its greatest champion.    Kord ascended to the heavens and to this day serves to bring balance to the world. To those who wish to earn strength and defeat their enemies, Kord will hear their prayers and if he deems them worthy, will bestow strength upon them.

God of Strength

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