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When righteous fury turn to personal anger, vengeance finds its way into one’s heart. Vengeance is neither right nor just, it is in essence a selfish and greedy thought. However, for those who hold on to an unrelenting fury like a hot coal, Tiamat, Goddess of Vengeance and Greed, waits with an eager ear to lend her power to them, for a price.   Tiamat was born one part of two divine dragons. Her elder brother, Bahamut, embodied all that was righteous and divine. From the beginning, she looked up to him, his stoic and regal aura placing him above all other dragons. Tiamat followed her brother wherever he went, hoping to learn from him and one day stand at his side as an equal. Together, they watched over the domain of dragons and brought with them order. This would change, however; when new life first began to walk the earth. Mortals, at first, were ignored by the dragons, seeing them merely as a new form of food. However, as time moved on, they began to grow quickly, establishing tribes, then communities, then cities. Soon, they began to encroach upon the divine land of the dragons, seeking to dig their roots into the realm ruled by those far mightier than themselves. The dragons responded by attacking them as they entered, burning their villages to the ground. Any who did not flee where eaten or burned. The mortals did not take this lying down, and in time devised weapons to fight back.The war was brutal, both sides met with enormous casualties, but soon the fighting would end.   When the First Incursion tore through the mortal realm, the dragons first saw it as a blessing. They believed the demons would eradicate them and they could go back to ruling over their domain, but it was not long before the demons attacked them as well. Bahamut was the first to act and together with Tiamat, they fought back, crushing the invading demons. This, however, was not enough and it was not long before the dragons saw their numbers dwindle. Bahamut led the dragons to meet with the mortals, and after a long summit, they reached an agreement. The dragons would aid the newly formed Sages and after the fighting was over, the mortals would work with the dragons to establish a boundary that belonged purely to these divine beasts.   With their might combined, they pushed back the demons. Tiamat fought alongside her brother the whole time, never once leaving his side. She did not trust the mortals, and how could she. They killed her brethren and stole their homes. Even while she fought alongside them, she could not help but despise them. To her, they were selfish and vain. A mortal had no right to stand alongside the might of the dragons. This hatred grew the roots of vengeance in her heart that would later lead her to become the fearsome beast known to this day. It was a long war, but in the end the dragons and mortals were victorious. With the power of the Sages, the tear in the mortal plane was closed and the demons were repelled from their plane of existence. With their pact fulfilled, the mortals and dragons went their separate ways.    However, the war and time they had spent together had changed some of the dragons. Those of the line of Bahamut wished to continue to work alongside the humans, while those of the line of Tiamat wished to eradicate them like the plague they were. Debates were had, but no ground was made one way or the other. During this time, Bahamut spent his days looking upon the world below, his heart aching for those displaced by the Incursion. Tiamat was angered by this, how could he see these vermin as anything more. For years, she stayed by his side, hoping to sway him away from the world of man and back to his people.   On one fateful day, when Tiamat went to fetch her brother, he was nowhere to be found. She looked high and low, praying that her greatest fear had not become a reality. It took but a month, before she found him, but when she did, she was furious. Bahamut had not only descended to the world of mortals, he had shed his divine skin and taken the form of a mortal. Tiamat was thrown into a reckless fury, and in her anger she destroyed countless cities in her path. This act became known as “The day of Fiery Fury” and was the final straw that tore the dragons apart. The mortals began to fight back, and seeing this, those who favored Tiamat came to her aid, fighting back. Those who saw what Bahamut had done and wished to help fought on behalf of the mortals and met their brothers head on. Tiamat eventually found her brother on the battlefield, and in a fit of anger, fought him head on. Bahamut called upon the heavens, and for the last time, took draconic once more to fight his sister.   The battle was long, but Bahamut, being the older and more experienced of the two, defeated Tiamat and drove her and her army back. Tiamat felt betrayed, her own brother, of whom she had looked up to as a child, had not only left her behind, but also actively sided with her people’s enemies. She returned home, injured and broken, and began to curse her brother and those who had stolen him from her. Once her wounds healed, she sought out one who could aid her. She knew of the man known as Abbadon, and sought him out. She used her divine powers to break through the threshold of the heavens and began to seek out the God of Destruction. Her search led her to the Dark Domain, and eventually to the throne room of Abbadon himself. Seated upon his dark throne, he sat, clad in glorious black armor. His very presence brought fear to Tiamat’s heart for the first time in her life. The moment she made it to the foot of the stairs that led to his throne, he spoke. “Tiamat, Queen of Dragons, why have you sought me?”   Tiamat froze, for the first time in her life, she could not find her voice. Trembling, she looked up, but still she could not speak. Abbadon remained calm, patiently waiting for Tiamat to answer. Eventually, she spoke, “The mortals have stolen my brother from his place among the dragons. They have perverted the divine order of the dragons and seek to spread their influence further. I have sought you out as I believe you are the only one powerful enough to destroy them once and for all.”   Abbadon sat silently for a moment, then spoke up, “I apologize, but I cannot help you. I am sworn to my wife and would never act in any way to bring her sadness.” His words were gentle, a sorrow seemed to trail behind them.   Tiamat was filled with grief. All her work, all her sacrifices were for nothing. However, Abbadon spoke once more. “But, if another were to use their own power to corrupt the mortals of the world, then I would not be held accountable.”   Upon hearing this, Tiamat leapt to her feet, a new fire burned hot inside her. “If that is what it takes, allow me to be that vessel. I will strike down the mortals of that wretched world and bring about a vengeance the likes of which will burn hot of centuries.”   Abbadon smiled upon hearing this and responded, “I can give you the power that you seek, but there is a catch. Our oath as Gods prevents us from acting directly and while you will have the power to destroy all that rise against you, you will never again set foot in the realm of mortal or dragon.”   Tiamat thought for a second, then spoke up, “I accept your offer. I will work through vassals and through them will bring ruin to those wretched mortals.”   With that, Abbadon smiled. He extended his hand to Tiamat and lifted her to her feet, saying, “Then rise Tiamat, Goddess of Vengeance and Greed, and through your work may you find that which you seek the most.”   Now Tiamat sits upon her throne, spreading vile anger and whispers words of vengeance in the hearts of mortals, waiting for the day that her powers birth a warrior strong enough to bring about her revenge.

Goddess of Vengeance and Greed

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