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Deals made in blood are unbreakable. When a mortal chooses to enter a pact with denizens of the dark, they choose to throw their soul away. When this happens, there must exist someone who oversees the transaction and apply a fair ruling, despite the twisted nature of the deal. This is where Vecna, God of Evil Pacts, enters the picture, and from his ruling order is maintained.   In the early years of his life, Vecna was a normal man. He lived in a small village, where he spent his day working in his families shop, selling magical oddities and texts. Vecan was curious, as all young boys are, and soon took to learning and reading as much as he could. From ancient texts of the mages of old, to stories of Gods and Devils. All of this fascinated him, and over time he grew to want more. On the day of his eighteenth birthday, he packed his bags and headed out to seek out the College of Magi in Val Royeaux.   His arrival was short and his admittance was overwhelming. Not only was his aptitude for magic strong, his hunger was stronger. He quickly took to the books, and in no time rose through the ranks of the first year students. It was not long that he earned both the ire of the students born to the noble families. They hated him, how could a low born peasant ever believe he could match the powers of a noble. Time after time, they challenged him, and time after time they were defeated. It seemed that Vecan was unstoppable, his appetite and abilities were unrivaled among the students.   Upon reaching his final year in the College, Vecna took a position working under the Arch Mage of the Victoria Librarias, the most prestigious circle of mages in all of Gaya Maahes. There he continued his studies of magic, and eventually would find a particular topic that grabbed his attention. The Mages of the Victoria Librarias specialized in hunting down and exterminating Warlocks who fell prey to their own pacts. It was during this time that Vecna began to want to learn of the nature of pacts and how they worked. For years he studied ancient tomes and interviewed Warlocks whom the Mages captured, hoping to unravel the secrets of the Dark Domain. Vecna was relentless in his pursuit, and on one fateful day, he would get the ultimate answer.   During an expedition into an old ruin used by the Court of the True King, he stumbled upon a tome. In it were writings of an ancient evil that wielded enough power to eradicate all life from the mortal plane. While no name was stated, he was simply referred to as the Impius dei Infernales, or the Wicked God of Infernals. His deeds were many, and his power was immense. The Cult worshiped him as their God and this is what drew Vecna’s attention. If a cult believed him to be as powerful as he seemed, then he could hold the answers Vecna sought after.   Using the tome as a guide, Vecna began to gather the materials required to grant an audience with the Wicked God. For the next few weeks, Vecna stayed in the ruins, crafting the required pieces, and on the eve of the Moon of Blood, began the ritual. It was a long and arduous process, but when the moon had reached its Apex, the ritual had reached completion. A dark fire erupted from the circle, with an ominous aura filling the room. From those flames, a face formed. It was twisted and evil, the skin covered in scales, a pair of mighty horns protruding from the skull. Its eyes were blackened and empty, the space where they laid left empty. Vecna was shocked at first, the text never stating any appearance. However, once the figure spoke, Vecna became reassured. It said to him, “I am Dagon Ingatious, ruler of the Demons and God to Infernals. Mortal, why have you dared to summon me?”   Vecna froze for a second, but quickly composed himself. “I am Vecna, and I wish to make a deal with you dark one. I seek knowledge of the Dark Domain, to learn its secrets and unravel the mystery of the pacts.” The Dagon paused for a moment, then spoke, “And what will you offer me in return mortal? What you seek is grand, and for that I require an equally as grand sacrifice.”   Vecna, now smiling, “I offer my left eye to see, for the world has changed since you last visited, and my right hand to work, as your machinations are grand and you deserve to be part of them.” Taken aback, The Dagon let out a horrid laughter, and in amusement spoke, “You are the first of many who have called upon me to have offered such a deal. I find you to be entertaining and shall agree to this pact. But know this, Vecna, that when you die you will join the ranks of the demons that serve me as I now own your soul.”   Vecna bowed, and with that the pact was complete. His eye burned hot and with that was transformed into a demon’s eye, his arm twisting and contorting into a wicked demon’s claw. Stumbling out of the ruins, Vecna began to head home, hoping to continue his research, but once he had reached the first village, he was met by the Mages of the Victoria Librarias. They stopped him and produced a writ, stating that Vecna was to be put down for his involvement in evil pacts. Vecna tried to argue, stating that the deal was made to further his research and in time it would unravel the secrets of the Dark Domain. The Mages would not hear it, and began to attack. Vecna was angry, and in response, burned them all to cinders. By the time Vecna had realized what he had done, it was too late. He had only moments to gather his things from his home and flee.   For months, Vecna traveled in search of some place to continue his research. His search eventually led him to an abandoned tower that once belonged to a powerful lich. For years, Vecna spent his days unraveling the mystery of the pacts, and with the help of the Lich’s works, also created undead servants to aid in his work. Time flew by quickly, and by the time Vecna had realized it, he was visited once more by The Dagon. “Our pact has reached its end Vecna, in only a few days you will perish. I hope you have found that you had been looking for, for once you die you will belong to me.”   With this, Vecna began to laugh. It was both sinister and ominous. The Dagon looked puzzled, “Do you not believe me? The nature of the pact is absolute and unbreakable. Upon your death, you will belong to me.” Vecna laughed for a moment longer, then composed himself, now speaking in a more serious tone. “You are correct Dagon, that the pacts are absolute, but you are mistaken about one thing, they are in fact breakable. Do you believe it was an accident that I offered an arm and an eye, and not my soul?”   The Dagon froze for a moment, a puzzled look upon his face. However, in only moments, it disappeared. “No,” he spoke “impossible. You do not mean to say you have found a way to break our pact. They are forged upon one's soul, you cannot break them unless you wish to destroy it in the process.”   Calmly, Vecna responded, “Yes, normally that is the case. However,” Vecna stated, pointing at his arm and eye, “If it were forged instead upon the body, then the pact is indeed breakable.”   With that, Vecna raised a large cleaver from a table nearest to him and sliced off his own arm. Then reaching for a smaller knife, cut out his eye. “Now the pact is null, and I will die no longer bound to you Dagon. I will say this once and only once. I am Vecna, the Mage of Pacts, and on this day I have bested The Dagon himself at his own game. I may die, but you will live forever knowing a simple mortal has bested you.” The Dagon let out a vicious roar and through the arm now on the floor, sliced Vecna’s throat open. Vecna simply smiled, even in his death.   The world moved quickly, forgetting Vecna, but one being did not. Vecan awoke, feeling as if only moments had passed, and once his senses had returned, found himself in a dark and grand hall. Sitting before him was a man, clad in ebony armor, the likes of which were magnificent to behold. As soon as Vecna looked upon the man, his heart began to tremble. Even in his dealings with The Dragon, Vecna had not known fear like this. The man began to rise for his throne, and walked down from atop the stairs. When he reached the bottom, he spoke to Vecna, “Rise Vecna, Mage of Pacts, I have watched your work for some time and have need of one with your talents. For centuries I have watched the pacts of mortals go unchecked, and with your work, I believe a balance can be struck. I will offer you a place among the Gods, and you will serve alongside me to protect the nature of dark pacts and to strike a balance. Should you accept my offer, you will become the God of Evil Pacts and through you all deals will be measured and judged.”   Vecna did not need more than a second to answer, “I will accept you deal, but I must know of whom I serve. You are no demon of the abyss and clearly no man of the mortal world. I must know, who are you?” The man spoke, his voice now filled with authority, “I am Abbadon, God of Destruction, and from this day forward I will watch your work with a vested interest.”   From that day forward, Vecna has served loyally, bringing his judgement upon the pacts formed between mortals and immortals. It is said though, that The Dagon, upon hearing this, flew into a rage and in so, cursed Vecna’s arm and eye, forever to be tools of corruption to one day strike back against that world that bested him.

God of Evil Pacts

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