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Dwarven Culture Heroes

Dwarves worship their ancestors, building them fabulous tombs and composing epic sagas of their deeds. Some of these figures from the deep past have become, in effect, ancestors to the whole Dwarf race. While there are many minor culture heroes in the Shieldland mythology, the most well known are:   Harada, the All-Father. Credited with inventing forging and also the axe. The only dwarf ever to beat Modi the Mighty at wrestling.   Modi the Mighty. A figure of legendary strength and a slayer of giants. The only dwarf ever to beat Harada at wrestling.   Ulfric Orcslayer. The greatest Dwarven General who ever lived and the bane of Orcs everywhere.   Uthgerd the Sly. The inventor of clockwork, black powder, and many other clever things besides.   Edrog the Glum. Famed for holding more grudges than any other dwarf, and recording them all in a book the size of a dinner table.


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