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Elven Pantheon

The elves are seldom observed engaging in religious practice, leading many to speculate that they are not a very spiritual people. However, this is a misconception. Most elves consider the spiritual world to be just as "present" as the physical world, and they interact with it and move through it as a matter of daily existence, rather than requiring special rituals or signs. What other cultures venerate or cloak in mystery, the elves treat as a relatively mundane, though essential, part of life. Likewise, their mythological figures are not considered by them to be inherently good or evil. Instead these divine entities merely patronize certain behaviors or phenomena.   Alfaen temples are rare indeed, being found only in major population centers and locations of special mystical signifigance. Instead, most communities of more modest size have a single shrine dedicated to meditation and general spiritual renewal. These shrines might be dedicated to a particular demigod or mythic figure, but are never considered the "territory" of such an entity.   Gods of the Elves   Ge'An , the Lady of All Waters. Ge'an is the personification of the seas and weather and patron Deity of the Empire.   Ishne, Patron of Plants, Animals and the Land. Ishne is an androgynous god whose domains include agriculture, the wilderness, and all beasts.   Aor, Guardian of Souls. Aor is a psychopomp and guardiuan of the souls of the dead.   Sri, The Trickster.   Cuishi, Goddess of Love, Beauty and Healing   Huiri, Goddess of Misfortune   Muiri, God of Luck   Olai, God of Craft and Culture     The Storm Elves consider themselves particularly favored of Ge’an, whom they call the Goddess of Storms.   The elves of Undra reference the pantheon as well, but treat these divine personifications with a high degree of familiarity, as if speaking about close friends or relatives. They hold many other such entities and nature spirits in high esteem as well, leading some to say that the elves of Undra follow a thousand gods. One of the more popular of these is a river spirit called Sri Syadaasti, the Laughing Flood.
Religious, Pantheon


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