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Orcs and Goblins

Orcs and the various Goblinoids form a group of linked species that share many traits and regularly associate in large tribal groups or warbands. They are utterly alien in physicality and psychology, and the peoples of the known world consider them to be a scourge on civilization. They seem to be built exclusively for war and take a perverse joy in battle and violence. They are encountered in the wild places beyond the borders of civilization, and in some places they appear to exist in frighteningly large numbers. Very little is known of where they come from or how they organize themselves, but it is known that they are a genderless epecies that does not have a natural reproductive cycle. Some suspect that "the greenskin menace" as it is called may be related to the fall of Adastrica or to some even older curse or magical mishap.   Orcs and Goblins do not appear to have a language of their own, but they somehow always seem to be able to speak the language of their enemies. It is unknown how they accomplish this.  


One sometimes hears wild tales of the existence of "Half-Orcs" that have somehow been cross-bred with humans, but only in the context of experiments by less-than-sane wizards. No one in living memory has actually seen one.   (NOTE: Orcs and Goblins in Geada follow the Games Workshop Warhammer/40K model - they are alien monsters that exist only for war, and only a rare few have anything that could be recognized as a personality.)


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