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The Shieldbearer

The Adastrican God of War is depicted as a heroic man striding forth with a shield before him. He is a protector and defender, the god of soldiers and strength, and the patron of all who fight for a noble cause. Another god that likely predates Adastrica, you can find shrines to the Shieldbearer wherever there are soldiers.   The Shieldbearer's Edicts are:
  • A life lived in service is noble.
  • Defend those who cannot defend themselves.
  • The strength in your heart feeds the strength in your arm.
  • Trust in your comrades and you will prevail.
  Priests of the Shieldbearer are commonly soldiers or serve alongside soldiers or constables. It is common to see shrines to this god in military barracks and guardhouses. Most soldiers know at least one prayer to the Shieldbearer - he has many songs and praryers that are appropriate to say before a battle or fight of any kind.

Divine Domains

War, Protection, Soldiers

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A shield, sometimes with the aegis of a Clenched Fist on it.
Divine Classification


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