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Giths are tall and emaciated-looking humanoids. They have pale yellow skin, sometimes with greenish or brownish tones. Their skulls are long and angular, with deep-set eyes, flattened noses, and pointed, serrated ears. Typical hair colors included black, red, russet, and sometimes gray.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

flat noses with Black, red, russet, or gray hair.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

just in the goodriver kingdom.

Average Intelligence

very smart.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

the goodriver kingdom.

Average Technological Level



The gith kingdom was founded in 2 AR and has been peacful ever since.
100 years
Average Height
5′1″‒7′ (1.5‒2.1 m)
Average Weight
92‒196 lb (42,000‒88,900 g)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Pale yellow with green or brown tones.
Related Ethnicities


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