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The Gnomes are a poor race that live in the eye. they are very short, even shorter than haflings. many of them have become world traveler's to get away from their crowded homes, including the famous cityseeker.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

in the gnomish kingdoms, and some in the grear yah kingdom, mnyegh chat, and aw chat.

Average Intelligence

very smart.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

tza' mah, 'okrimov mah, 'utz mah, bom mah, and steshpoy mah.

Average Technological Level


Major Language Groups and Dialects


in 2 AR the gnomish kingdom was founded. their kingdoms grew and became the most powerful in the region. then their leader mystirously died in 310 AR and the kingdom decended into civil war. the war ended in 340 AR with a truce. the new kingdoms that emerged from it were tza' mah, 'okrimov mah, 'utz mah, bom mah, and steshpoy mah. the Gnomes are now a poor race, as their kingdoms still go to war a lot. many of them have become world traveler's to leave the gnomish lands, including the famous cityseeker, auther of the world atlas.

Historical Figures

Average Height
3–3.5 feet
Average Weight
40 Ibs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Ruddy tan to woody brown to rocky gray; grays to white with age.
Related Organizations


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