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The minotaur are a humanoid bull race, that are very strong. they used to be warlike but now are peacful.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

cow like, with large horns.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

mostly in ont chat and a few in aw chat.

Average Intelligence

very smart.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

ont chat.

Average Technological Level

slightly tribal, though iron is in use.

Major Language Groups and Dialects


the minotaur kingdom of ont chat was founded in 4 AR. in 153 AR on the first day of the month of earth, the minotaurs invaded aw chat. the war ended in 160 AR because of a muitiny againgst their leader, Matha wa. they minotaur have been peacful ever since.
200 years
Average Height
Males – 9 feet (2.7 meters)[3] Females – 7 ft (2.1 m)
Average Weight
700 lb (320 kg)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin color(s): Black, brown, fair, pale Hair color(s): Black, brown
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities


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