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The Owlin are a race of humanoid owls native to the northern continent.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

mostly in the central northern continent.

Average Intelligence

Very smart.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

the jord state, the ginvo federation, cotrechouirdi, and the owlbear tribes.

Average Technological Level


Major Language Groups and Dialects

Quecteuian/Farm Speak


The Owlin Kingdom was founded in 4 AR. In 200 AR to 300 AR, a bloody conflict happened, destroying the kingdom and founding the new kingdoms of the country of Cotrechouirdi, the state of Jord, and the Federation of Ginvo. in 343 AR the Ginvo Federation was not doing well, a bad and greedy king had come into power named Radre Rieu. the barons rebelled and declared independent kingdoms, and bandits gathered into huge armies. the barons were granted autonomy but were still part of the federation, but the bandits grouped together to overthrow the new king. they were decisively defeated at the battle of frue fuo and ran to the east. rampaging through the kingdoms there, burning and raising many cities and towns. they eventually founded the Owlbear tribes. the Ginvo Federation remains an empire of messy borders and autonomous borders to this day.

Historical Figures

Radre Rieu.
130 years.
Average Height
5 ft./ 1.524 meters.
Average Weight
400 lbs/181.437 kg
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Feathers are Brown, Rufous and Tawny, Grey, White, and Black. Eyes are Light Blue, Red, Orange, Black, Dark Brown, and Yellow.
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities


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