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The Sea of Black Gold

A region rich in trade, it was discovered by an elf named Farwalker. Several different races claimed it after the Council of Races, mostly fairies but also tabaxi and vedalken. It is now a region of high conflict, as many nations claim it, but none can subjigate it because of the high population of Pirates. It remains a lawless and wild land to this day.


A great sea, a kind of giant gulf in the Southern Continent. It is open to the great ocean to the west, and on the mainland to the south is the fairy plains, and north and east mountains. The bay is full of small islands, perfect for settlers, but also perfect for pirates.


Hot, with a high chance of storms and rain. But on a clear day, very beautiful.

Fauna & Flora

Bannana trees, sea turtles, turtles, coral, palm trees, crabs, lizards, tropical fish, octupuses, squids, birds.

Natural Resources

The mountains on the mainland are filled with gold. There are also coconuts and bananas.


An elf named Farwalker discovered the sea in 250 BR. It remained uninhabited until the Council of Races (in which, an island to the north was given to the vedalken, the mainland to the northeast given to the tabaxi, and the south given to the fairies). The sea, however, remained a grey zone, with multiple countries claiming it. Over the course of history, many colonies and cities were made, some owned by kingdoms, others havens for corsairs and Pirates. In the year 44 AR, the first citizen of The Nation of Pearls (Goodwine I) declared that he would take the sea by force. A long campaign ensued, first with the taking of Farsail, the occupation of beudal deg. Next Goodwine I led his campaign to the northeast, in an attempted invasion of vustoubeukredar za, but he utterly failed and died of sickness on the journey home. The Nation of Pearls gradually lost their holds except for the city of Farsail. The nation still claims the sea though (as do most surrounding nations) and sometimes patrols its waters. Thought that does not stop pirates.
Alternative Name(s)
The Black Sea
Inhabiting Species


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