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Borkhy Yeenstar

Borkhy Yeenstar

A hyena cleric following a god nobody is certain of. He keeps his cards close to his chest to and doesn't reveal much about himself. Standoffish and snarky most of time, he tries to appear tough and uncaring on the outside but it's obvious he has more compassion than he likes to admit. Is this just a front to mask his vulnerability? Perhaps he is afraid of revealing more about himself for fear of rejection, keeping everyone away to keep himself safe. He tries to stay at the back but often finds himself taking charge in tactical or social situations, showing he has more of a stake in the party's success than he implies.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lean but muscled. Not particularly tall.

Body Features

Brown fur around his body with darker fur on muzzle, ears, hands and feet. Various spots around body, with lighter fur on his chest. Black hair which tapers off quickly, leading to a notably less pronounced mane than expected for a hyena. His tail is the darker brown on top but brighter underneath.

Facial Features

Messy black hair, amber eyes and spots on his face resembling freckles. A scar on the right side of his face from some sort of slash. Markings under his eyes which resemble eye bags but are just patches or darker fur. The insides of his ears are a brighter colour.

Identifying Characteristics

Dresses very oddly for a cleric. Tries to keep himself less noticeable, often wearing darker, muted colours and clothes which cover as much of his body as possible, especially his torso, arms and legs. Even when he sleeps he keeps his full body covered in a one-piece outfit. He wears armour but usually keeps this hidden underneath his clothes. He also has a holy symbol, typical for a cleric, but this is also often hidden under his clothes and others have rarely seen it outside of the middle of combat.

Special abilities

Divine magic from his deity, common spells including Thaumaturgy, Spiritual Weapon, Mirror Image, Hold Person and Dimension Door. Cleric abilities, including the power to turn and destroy undead ad the ability to duplicate himself and use said duplicate to cast spells. Can at will bless allies with improved stealth.

Apparel & Accessories

A dark, muted coat resembling a trenchcoat with a metal breastplate and holy symbol underneath, dark trousers and nothing on his hands or feet. A few pieces of magical jewellery and various pieces of equipment on his person.

Specialized Equipment

An Earring of Messaging in his right ear, a Ring of Good Luck on his left ring finger and a Cloak of Displacement on his back. Despite being a cleric, he is never seen using a mace and in fact has never been seen using a melee weapon at all, instead keeping his hands free to fight with magic. On occasion he uses a crossbow and tends to use his Spiritual Weapon to do fighting for him, which takes the form of a vibrant green sword, almost resembling a long kris.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Not much is currently known about Borkhy's history. It's implied he spent his teenage years growing up in Svelldismald, presumably where he became a cleric. His history before this is currently unknown.


Do not give in to your desires, for it makes you vulnerable. Do not try to get close to people, for it will hurt that much more when it ends.

Mental Trauma

Afraid to get close to people, is afraid of abandonment.

Intellectual Characteristics

Surprisingly tactically-minded, often tries to end conflict before it starts.

Morality & Philosophy

It's better to keep secrets. Revealing yourself to others shows them how to hurt you better. Never be predictable.


Thinks less of those who use brute strength and brawn.

Personality Characteristics


To prove what he does and who he is is legitimate and as valid as anything else. To help raise himself and others like him to a legitimate place among the others.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Ironically horrible at lying. Despite the front of being cold and uncaring, and his goals of looking out for himself and doing things only if they benefit him, he often finds he can't walk away from someone in need.

Vices & Personality flaws

Very slow to trust others, never trusting anyone 100%. Anyone he meets is either a threat or someone who can be used. Unwilling to do something for others unless there is a benefit for him. Despite this, he is unable to fully commit to this mindset, feeling that his role as a holy man means it is in a way his a duty to help those in need. He is afraid of getting close to others while always hoping they will respect and appreciate him for his help, ironically making him someone who helps out but never really stays to reap the rewards.


Generally quite clean, he occasionally douses himself with nice-smelling herbs.


Contacts & Relations

The rest of his party, Various contacts, Members of the Church of ____

Family Ties

My family is dead.

Religious Views

I worship my goddess.

Social Aptitude

Often quiet and snarky, tries to keep back but often finds himself taking the lead.

Most people don't want the Truth. they just want constant reassurance that what they believe is the Truth. Underestimate me, that'll be fun.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
Day 17, 3rd of Fridark, 1505 PGC
Current Residence
Adventuring about (formerly the Tripah Snipah, Trollskull Manor, North Ward, Doyle).
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5ft 10
Quotes & Catchphrases
To fight fair is to fight unprepared. 'Fair play' is itself a veil to cover your own advantage. Just because something has always been this way, does not mean it is right.
Known Languages
Common, Canine.

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