

Corellon Larethian is the leader of the elven pantheon, and the very race of elves is said to have sprung from his blood during his many battles with Gruumsh of the orc pantheon. The Creator of the Elves embodies the highest ideals of elvenkind, and he is the patron of most aesthetic endeavors, including art, magic, music, poetry, and warfare. He is venerated by all the Fair Folk, except the drow and those who have turned to Lolth and other dark powers. Corellon is especially popular with elf and half-elf mages, musicians, and poets. When need be, he works as a powerful war deity with his longsword Sahandrian (which is made from a star).

Divine Domains

Corellon holds the domain of Arcana, Chaos, Elf, Good, Magic, & Protection. Seasonal God of the Spring and Patron of Eladrin.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Two crested moons facing each other atop a four-pointed star.

Tenets of Faith

The song of joy and the dance of freedom shall ever soar on the wings of those who dare take flight. Guard against the slow death of stultifying sameness by seeking out new experiences and new ways. Ward against those who seek only to destroy in their inability to create and commune with the natural and mystical world. Be ever vigilant in force of arms and might of magic against any return of the banished darkness, and also be strong in heart against the corruption from within which allowed the Spider Queen to foment the chaos and evil of the Crown Wars.  

Commandments of the Archeart

  • Create, inspire, and find beauty in all that you do.
  • Follow the echoes of lost magic, forgotten sites, and ancient art, for within these lie the Arch Heart's first works.
  • Combat the followers of the Spider Queen wherever they may be.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Corellon usually appears as an androgynous male elf (although he can assume the form of either sex), with long blond hair. He is the epitome of elven elegance, unearthly beauty and grace. Despite his obvious strength, the primary impression the Creator of the Elves radiates is that of litheness and swiftness, and he is possessed of incredible speed and reflex. He always wears a sky-blue cloak, a large amulet about his neck with a crescent moon motif within a large circle, and a pair of dazzling battle gauntlets. While Corellon shares the elven trait of pride that may border arrogance, this never gets the better of him. He is a god with an endless willingness to learn from others and acts on it, even using mortals to discover new information, methods, and philosophies.
Divine Classification
Prime Deity
Chaotic good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Coronal of Arvandor, Ruler of All Elves, Creator of the Elves, Father of Elvenkind, First of the Seldarine, Preserver of Life