
Lord of the Forest

Corgrath is the Lord of the Forest, the Forest Father and those creatures who live within them. Specifically, he is the god of autumn, druids, dryads, forests, forest creatures, and rangers. He is the patron of rangers in the same way that Vox is the patron of bards.   Corgrath is good-humored and quick to smile. He is confident in her actions and conveys this confidence well in small groups, though He dislikes speaking formally or leading large contingents. He is fiercely loyal and protective to those he calls friends, but does not grant that consideration lightly. Though He knows that some creatures must die to make way for others in life, He finds the injuries of animals and other friends hard to bear and often cures hurt creatures that Silvanus would leave to fuel the cycle of death and rebirth.   Many rangers venerate Corgath as their deity. She grants her rangers their spells, and they see her as their leader, the supreme ranger, and their watchful mother. Other followers of Corgath include dryads, hamadryads, treants, woodsmen, the occasional elf (especially wood elves), a few bards, and many of the Harpers. The followers of Corgath usually do not organize themselves into official temples, but rather assemble in peaceful forest glades to worship the goddess. Shrines to the goddess are more common than temples and are found throughout the North, the Western Heartlands, and parts of the Dalelands in wilderness areas.   Asgorath witnessed Corgaths actions to stop Orcus and Vecna when he was a member of 'The Company of the Broken Soliloquy' and elevated him to godhood as a protector of the forest.

Divine Domains

Corgath's domains are Animal, Protection, Plant, & Travel.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Corgath's holy symbol is an upright green living oak leaf.

Tenets of Faith

Intelligent beings can live in harmony with the wild without requiring the destruction of one in the name of the other. Embrace the wild and fear it not, because the wild ways are the good ways. Keep the Balance and learn the hidden ways of life, but stress the positive and outreaching nature of the wild. Do not allow trees to be needlessly felled or the forest burned. Live in the forest and be a part of the forest, but do not dwell in endless battle against the forest. Protect forest life, defend every tree, plant anew where death fells a tree, and restore the natural harmony that fire-users and woodcutters often disrupt. Live as one with the woods, teach others to do so, and punish and curtail those that hunt for sport or practice cruelties on wild creatures.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Corgath may manifest as a silent man with stag horns and burning white eyes. He typically appears among the trees and has shaggy brown fur that is almost bark-like. As the Horned Man, Corgath speaks only in the minds of those he touches. He can point, lift, and carry things (even hurling trees or logs that look to be in the shape of canoes or small boats), inscribe words on wood by pointing with a fingertip, and cast spells (notably telekinesis of awesome weight capacity). The Horned Man usually materializes to show himself and indicate something by a gesture, a shake or nod of the head, or by pointing, and then fades away again.   Corgath prefers to appear as an oak leaf blown out of nowhere as a sign, or if he must take direct physical action, as a fire-quenching, eerie green glow that is always accompanied by the sounds of faintly whistling wind and running or dripping water.   Corgath also indicates his favor or disfavor or sends aid through the presence or actions of treants, brownies, dryads, deer, badgers, unicorns, satyrs, atomies, sprites, pixies, and other woodland monsters.
Divine Classification
Intermediate Deity
His alignment is Neutral Good.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Our Lord of the Forest, The Forest King, Oak Father, The Old Oak, Old Father Tree, The Forest Father, Treefather, God of Wild Nature