
Queen of Spiders

Lolth, the Demon Queen of Spiders, is a demon lord and the chief goddess of the drow (some myths propose that she was originally a goddess who was transformed into a demon). She displays formidable power and great cruelty with an affection for arachnids. Goddess of Darkness, Drow, Evil, and Spiders, Lolth has, through deceit and domination, garnered the ears of the dark elves and eventually established herself as their foremost deity, keeping them under her thumb by creating a society in which only the strong survive and her priestesses are strongest. Her symbol is a black spider with the head of a female drow.

Divine Domains

Deceit, Shadows, and Spiders.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Black spider with the skull of a drow female

Tenets of Faith

Lolth teaches her children that fear is strength, while love and respect are weakness. She demands that those drow who will not worship her must be converted or slain. She seeks to kill the weak and reward the strong. Disobedient males and non-drow must be sacrificed to Lolth. Spiders are a holy animal in Lolth's faith, and those who to kill a spider is a cardinal sin. Lolth is so chaotic, however, that her commands are ever-changing and often contradictory, so that those who seek to follow them blindly may meet with destruction.
Divine Classification
Lesser deity
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Demon Queen of Spiders, Queen of the Demonweb Pits, Queen of Darkness, Dark Mother, Mother of Lusts, The Lady of Shadows, The Lady of Chaos, The Mistress of Lies, Weaver of Destiny, Weaver of Webs, The Weaver, Fleshcarver, Spider Bitch