
The All-Father

Moradin is the lawful good god of the dwarves and the chief deity in their pantheon. A harsh but fair judge, he is strength and force of will embodied. He inspires dwarven inventions and constantly seeks to improve their race, encouraging a good natured, intelligent, and harmonious existence with other good races while battling their pride and isolationist tendencies.   Moradin encourages others to bring works into being that will see generations of use. He was intimately involved in hammering the raw creation of the primordials into a durable and refined world that mortals could thrive in. Now that the work of original creation is done, his followers focus on the lasting works of hammer and forge, chisel and stone. Moradin and Torog oppose one another fbr many reasons, including their competing claims on the domain of earth. Moradin sees earth as the foundation of creation and a source of stability. wealth, and strength. He honors stone as the bones of the world and loves mountains as the domain's greatest symbols.   Bahamut and Moradin share the domain of protection in a spirit of solidarity. Moradin emphasizes guardianship of home. family, and clan, while Bahamut takes a wider view of protecting society and good people wherever evil finds them. When danger comes, the followers of Moradin draw back to stand on solid ground, and Bahamut's faithful come forward to strike down threats.

Divine Domains

Moradin's domains are the Forge, Knowledge, Craft, Dwarves, Earth, Good, Law, & Protection.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The holy symbol of Moradin is a hammer and anvil

Tenets of Faith

Moradin is the father and creator of the dwarven race. Honor him by emulating his principles and workmanship in smithing, stone working, and other tasks. Wisdom is derived from life and tempered with experience. Advance the dwarven race in all areas of life. Innovate with new processes and skills. Found new kingdoms and clan lands, defending the existing ones from all threats. Lead the dwarves in the traditions laid down by the Soul Forger. Honor your clan leaders as you honor Moradin.     The Allhammer appreciates acts of creation of things outside of oneself and one's progeny, including forging, whittling, building, and other crafts. For this reason, crafted objects are considered appropriate offerings to the Allhammer.  

Commandments of the All-Hammer

  • Remain stoic and tenacious in the face of catastrophe.
  • Uphold and promote loyalty to your family, loyalty to your clan, and loyalty to your people.
  • Legacy is paramount. To create something that lasts is to change the world for the better.


Moradin's holy day was on the crescent moon and he was worshiped at forges and hearths.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Moradin appears as a stern male dwarf twenty feet in height. He has powerful musculature, particularly in his upper body. His beard is long and flowing, reaching to his knees; it is depicted as either snow-white or coal-black. Moradin dresses plainly, wearing furs and the leather leggings and aprons of a humble smith. On his forearms are his only concession to vanity, a pair of pure gold bracers. In battle he wears dwarven plate and carries a large shield. His large, glowing war hammer is named Soulhammer. A pure white radiance of divine power radiates from the Dwarffather, though he can suppress this at will.
Divine Classification
Greater deity
His alignment is Lawful Good.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The All-Father, Dwarffather, The Soul Forger, The Creator
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Every fall of the hammer on the anvil, every fire stoked in the forge, is a step on a journey set before me by Moradin himself. It isn't work. It is a challenge to achieve greatness.” — Balifra Eversharp