Asinus Culture Private knowledge

Here we can find additional notes on the Asinus that would be known to people who grew up within the Asinus culture. Important things:  
  Mangiafuoco: pronounciation:
  • During the golden age, Mangiafuoco was regarded as the most powerful merchant that the continent has ever seen. It is said that through trade he was able to master magic itself. What is magic after all then an exchange of power?
  • While not technically a god, the Asinus people consider him their patron and protector.
  • He is considered the paragon of the ideal and fair trade.
  • It is said that his death was a result of a particularly powerful contract which he brokered with The Coachman. The ensuing explosion is said to have marked the end of free spellcasting.
  • He is also believed to be the author of the first edition work "Rules of Business". This book combined with the 7 tenets of trade comprise the philosophical base that all Asinus are raised on.
  The Coachman:
  • There is little known about the origin of this entity.
  • The Coachman is the paragon of underhanded or dishonest trade. Many stories that feature this character tend to be cautionary ones.
  The Heroic 7:
  • The Seven apprentices of Mangiafuoco.
  • They were tricked by the Coachman to leave their mentor and follow him to an unknown land. This was a vile trick.
  • After many trials, the Heroic 7 returned to Mangiafuoco more wise than before.
  • Each returned with a lesson that they followed to survive their trials. Together, these lessons are known as the "Tenants of Trade"
  • Each of the 7 created a contract with Mangiafuoco. Thus creating the trade guilds.
  • The story of the Heroic 7 ends when they willingly follow The Coachman once more. They did this to fulfill the contract they made with him as children.
  The infamous 8th:
  • The name of this character has been wiped from the history of the Asinus for his shameful actions.
  • Much of his story is the same as the Heroic 7.
  • Unlike The Heroic 7. The infamous 8th signed 2 contracts with Mangiafuoco. creating two trade guilds (The Guild of Gambling and the Guild of Swindling)
  • The action that truly earned this character his moniker. He initially refused to return to The Coachman.  Because of this, the donkey curse was bestowed to the now Asinus people.
  • It was Mangiafuoco who made the fateful contract to return his people back to their humanoid form. As a result, the Asinus people were returned...kinda. This contract also resulted in the death of Mangiafuoco and the end to free magic.
  The Merchant Guilds:
  • There are many trade guilds in modern day but only 11 can trace their creation back to the Golden Age through the Mangiafuoco contracts.
  • It is said that the master merchants of the original 11 trade guilds are gifted with a portion of Mangiafuoco power since the contracts that created them were signed by Mangiafuoco himself.
  • This power is endowed from mentor to apprentice. Almost like a bloodline but through the ties of work.
  • Merchants from the 11 original guilds are blessed when they have proven their mastery of the teachings of the guild and have proven the requisite skill to be a fully fledged member. No individual can declare an apprentice to be a master. Instead an apprentice is declared a master once they begin to display the "gifts of the trade". It is the power of the original guild contract that bestows this to the apprentice. There is no other way.

The 7 Tenets of Trade

  1. Mutual Benefit: When you are drowning, give water to the thirsty.
  2. Adaptability: When the winds change, so too must you.
  3. Collaberation: It is better to work together than to work alone.
  4. Voluntary Exchange: Without free choice, there is no trade.
  5. Competition: It is the catalyst that all good trade runs on.
  6. Law: Follow the rules of the land. Follow the rules of businesses.
  7. Knowlage: Access to information is essential for informed decisions.
  8. Mercy: When there is no mercy, be merciless.


Trader guilds and prefixes

The Asinus have a naming convention to delineate a master merchant from the original 11 guilds and a merchant from a later guild. This is expressed with the use of a prefix to their name.
Note: it is not uncommon for these merchants to change their name to enable alliteration.
Patron: Hero 1 "Build the city you wish to do business in"
Name: Brilliant
Example: Brilliant Beatrix    
Patron: Hero 2 "Take care of their equipment and they will take care of you."
Name: Practical
Example: Practical Pierce  
Patron: Hero 3 "Lift the veil to let them see ...for a price"
Name: Fortuitous
Example: Fortuitous Fiore  
Patron: The 8th "Through charisma or card let the people bring you their riches"
Name: Magnificent
Example: Magnificent Meliora  
Patron: Hero 4 "Full stomachs and full purses"
Name: Gregarious
Example: Gregarious Gertrude  
Patron: Hero 5 "May the seas open their riches to you"
Name: Confident
Example: Confident Clement  
Pet Dealer
Patron: Hero 6 "Big hearts and big purses"
Name: Charming
Example: Charming Charlie  
Potion Seller
Patron: Hero 7 "Your patrons are precious. Keep them with you for as long as you can"
Name: Honest
Example: Honest Hammond.  
Patron: the 8th "Misplaced riches is pure profit for those willing to gain it."
Name: Enchanting. Note: merchants with this title rarely use it in polite company.
Example: Enchanting Ezra  
Patron: Mangiafuoco. "Bring them joy and receive their favor."
Name: Cheerful
Example: Cheerful Charity  
Patron: Mangiafuoco. "The spirit of adventure brings with it great opportunity!"
Name: Adventurous
Example: Adventurous Azemar