
The Froakians are a race of tribal sentient amphibians. While there appear to be distinctive sub-species within their population, they collectively consider themselves as the "same, but different". There are 8 tribes in total, all of which live and reside within the frozen marshlands known collectively as Croakitoa, located on the Southeastern quadrant of the continent of Ayr.   They do not have a spoken language per say, but more a system of sounds and gesticulations to communicate with one another. After the scientists and other foreigners arrive, they found it rather difficult to communicate with them. As these other races began encroaching on and around their lands, the Froakians believed that should they just think hard enough, then they should be able to make the outsiders understand. And as it was believed, so it was to be. All Froakians became telepathic at the same instant, on the same day (circa -70 BE).   The Froakie people have a strange and terrifying ability, in that if the majority of all 8 tribes collectively believes in something, then that something becomes reality. This could be something as trivial as the belief that more flys should bless their marsh and feed their young, to world-altering events like the creation of a pantheon of gods that now walk the lands. Despite the scientist's best efforts to study the Froakians, their reality-altering power remains a mysterious and unexplained phenomenon to this day.   Froakians are naturally acclimated to the cold and harsh climates of the dark side of Ayr, and have invented tools and other magical wonders through a combination of hard work and the belief that things should be as they should. One example of this is the Float Flames, a rather mystical magical force which appears to be an ever-burning flame floating like a balloon, and tied with string to a Froakie's arm. These Float Flames serve both as a light source and as a heat source, providing a means of survival in even the darkest and coldest environments.  

As a Playable Race:

Froakians are a playable race. You can find their stat block here: Froakie