
Kreyarans are the descendants of a group of space pirates and slave traders that landed on Gemini at the dawn of the current Age. The Krey are an aggressive, warlike species (think cross between Klingon and Githyanki). Early during the Fifth Age, a Krey Slaver ship discovered Gemini during a hunt, and landed on the northern continent that would later be named Kreyari. They lured humans, Novans, Erians, and many others into a life of slavery, with promises of new technologies and salvation from the terrible foes and storms that wreaked havoc on the various southern continents.   Sometime around 200 AE, the Kreyaran slaver ship was sabotaged and exploded, killing scores and stranding the Krey on Gemini. For the next 150 years, the Krey continued to settle and develop Kreyari, creating slaver boats and harvesting workers from the other populaces of Gemini to build their settlements for them. You can find the occasional lone Krey in towns on Ayr, either because they are scouting for potential targets to hit, or the much less likely rogue Krey who has forsaken their clan and slaver ways for a lonely, ostracized life among the other races and denizens of Ayr.   Kreyarans are strong and vicious, and if provoked or in dire situations, they occasionally enter a state of rage, almost like super-adrenaline. For a brief time, they are practically unkillable monsters that will rampage and destroy anything-and anyone-in their path.  

As a Playable Race:

Krey are a playable race. You can find their stat block here: Kreyaran