
The Novans are a race of all-female elves native to the continent of Nova. They have sun or moon colored skin, with matching golden or light blue eyes. The gold skinned, or Dawn Novans, live on the surface of Nova, and share both a love of the light as well as an affinity for fire. Conversely, the Dusk Novans reside in the Underdark tunnels below the surface, preferring the dark and warm places away from Olympus's harsh gaze. While still condsidered to be one people, Dusk and Dawn Novans typically have differing opinions on a great many topics, and there is often political turmoil surrounding these issues.   The Novan people are quite technologically advanced, with a special affinity for genetic engineering. In addition to utilizing birthing pods to produce future generations, Novans are quite vain, and can often be counted upon to make alterations to their physical forms every decade or so, as they strive for self-perfection in all things.   Novans and Orions do not get along at all. As Novans are a socialist society, and Orions are primarily mercantile, their fundamental societal aims are nearly entirely at odds with one another. While small numbers of Novans can be found in nations beyond their home continent of Nova, as a whole, they remain a largely isolationist society, and very few non-Novans have ever been granted the privilege of setting foot on Nova.  

As a Playable Race:

Dawn and Lunar Novans are playable subraces of elf. You can find their stat blocks here:
Dawn Novan
Dusk Novan