Tukui Birds

The Tukui birds are a colorful avian species found natively on the continent of Ayr. They are characterized as having small bodies, large black beady eyes, and an array of 8 different colored plumages. Their diet consists mainly of nuts and seeds, although they are omnivores and have been known to consume small rodents, crustaceans, and fish when they have access to them. They are rather agressive, and are known for their sharp talons and beaks. Alone, one Tukui doesn't pose much danger, but if provoked enough, they have been known to swarm (almost like a colony of angry bees) unfortunate victims like flying piranha.   There have been claims over the centuries of mystical powers being granted by a Tukui bird that one has a close connection to. There are also some that believe the Tukui may have originated from the legendary Fountain of Youth up in the Pindus Mountains. Since Tukui birds are generally unfriendly and agressive, and the Fountain isn't something that someone can just go study, none of these claims are backed by any scientific proof. It is worth noting that Larry the Immortal has a domesticated black Tukui named Cheef.   There are 8 colors of Tukui listed in order of least to most rare:
  • Red
  • Orange
  • Yellow
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Purple
  • Black
  • White
  Tukui Powers:
Bird Color Theme Passive Power (3rd Level) Active Power (6th Level)
Red Fire / Heat You are resistant to fire damage.   You can cast the Firebolt cantrip (no Aether cost).   You can always start a fire as long as you have materials, and can cause minor, almost magical, efffects in flames (change colors, flare, dim, etc). Once per week, you can wreathe yourself in magical flames, calling on the true elemental force of fire. You gain the elemental subtype for the duration, and gain the effects of the Investiture of Flames spell (Xanathar's guide to everything) for up to 1 hour. Entering this state costs no Aether, and does not require components or concentration. The user is extremely cold and hungry upon the fire going out. During this transformation, you channel the plane of fire, and have 12 Fire charges which can be expended to cast any of the following spells with no Aether or material cost:
  • Burning Hands: 2 Charge
  • Hellish Rebuke: 2 Charge
  • Searing Smite: 2 Charge
  • Aganazzar's Scorcher - 3 Charges
  • Flaming Sphere - 3 Charges
  • Scorching Ray - 3 Charges
  • Fireball - 4 Charges
  • Wall of Fire - 5 Charges
  • Immolation - 6 Charges
  • Fire Storm - 8 Charges
  • Meteor Swarm - 12 Charges
  • If you expend all 12 Fire charges, Investiture of Flames will end after the final charge is spent, even if the full hour duration has not yet passed.   The strain of this ability is so intense that if you try to use ability again before 7 days have passed, after the affect ends, you immediately gain 3 levels of exhaustion.
    Orange Earth / Connection You are resistant to bludgeoning damage   You can cast the Mold Earth cantrip (no Aether cost)   You are adept at making meaningful connections with others. You gain advantage on Persuasion and Deceptions checks whenever you are trying to gain favor or change someone's mind. Your connection to the land and it's people is so strong that you are able to influence the very fabric of that connection. Once per week, you can do one of the following:   Cast the Earthquake spell (no Aether cost)   You can cast either Dominate Person or Dominate Monster on up to 3 creatures you can see within range, without Aether or Material components. Any creature affected by this ability may not be charmed by the user again in this way, and is unsure of what memories or false backstory created to forge the bond are real or not. The effects are so real that the user may also have some residual shared memories from the forced connection.   The strain of this ability is so intense that if you try to use ability again before 7 days have passed, after the affect ends, you immediately gain 3 levels of exhaustion.
    Yellow Time You can glimpse the future. You can no longer be surprised unless you are in magical sleep or incapacitated. You have advantages on all saves against traps and natural phenomenon (such as lightning strikes)   You can cast the True Strike cantrip as a bonus action (no Aether cost). You can do this a number of times per day equal to your Proficiency modifer, and then only as a normal action again until a long rest You percieve time as a stream, the flow and ebb like a current. You gain the Alter Time ability. Once per week, you can do one of the following:   -Cast the Foresight spell (no Aether cost)   -You can send your consciousness up the stream of time (requires 10 SEUs). You wake up 5 minutes in the past, with all your memories intact from the future.   The strain of this ability is so intense that if you try to Alter Time again before 7 days have passed, immediately after the affects end (8 hours for Foresight, or right after concsiousness transfer), you immediately gain 5 levels of exhaustion.
    Green Nature / Plants You are resistant to Poison damage.   You can cast the Poison Spray cantrip (no Aether cost)   You are as one with nature. You gain advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks in natural environments (Caves, Forests, Swamps, Outdoors etc). When in these environments, you leave no tracks or evidence of your passing, and do not suffer from the effects of difficult terrain in them. Your connection to Nature and Flora is so strong, that you can manipulate nature to your whims. Once per week, you can do on of the following:   You can cast the Storm of Vengeance spell (no Aether cost).   Cast the Shapechange spell (No Aether Cost)   You can cast the Transport Via Plants spell without Aether or components. It's duration is up to 1 hour, determined by the caster when the portal is created.
    Blue Water / Force You are resistant to Force damage.   You can cast the Ray of Frost cantrip (no Aether cost)   You have a swim speed of 40ft You're connection to water and gravity are so acute that you can now Bend these forces to your will. For the next 10 minutes, you can peform the following actions:   You are a Gravity Bender. You can control gravity for specific objects or creatures. You can use an action to touch an object or creature, which causes the target to become fixed in place. Until you dismiss the effect, or 10 minutes passes, the target can not move, even if it is defying gravity. The target can hold up to 8,000 lbs of weight. More weight causes the effect to end. A creature can use an action to make a DC 30 strength check, moving the fixed object up to 10 feet on a success. You can affix up to two objects/creatures in place at any one time, and may dismiss the effect as a free action. If you affix a third object, the first one loses this effect. To touch an unwilling creature you must make a touch attack with proficiency using Str or Dex, whichever is higher.   You can cast Waterkinesis, and do not require Aether or components to do so. This spell functions like telekinesis, but uses water shift targets, as opposed to the mind. for the duration of the spell, you become a Water Bender, and can manipulate water in the atmosphere to throw people and targets around (subject to the same rules as the Telekinesis spell)   The strain of this ability is so intense that if you try to Bending again before 7 days have passed, immediately after the affects end 10 minutes after you start Bending), you immediately gain 5 levels of exhaustion.
    Purple Aether / Momentum You are resistant to Psychic Damage.   You are not affected by Aether Storms or the Grim Procession, and can pass through them freely.   Your movement speed is increased by 10 ft, which applies to any method of movement available to you. You perceive the flow of Aether as a momentous stream. Once per week, you can do one of the following:   Aether Conduit (Action) : -Recharge all Aether Coins within 30ft, and you and allies within 10ft of you can cast spells with no Aether cost. In addition, spells of 3rd level and below do not consume a spell slot for the duration (1 minute).   Freedom of Movement (Bonus Action): -You and up to 3 allies you choose within 30ft of you have the Haste spell affect. This does not require concentration, and lasts for 10 minutes.   The strain of this ability is so intense that if you try to cast Mana Conduit or Freedom of Movement again before 7 days have passed, immediately after the affects end, you immediately gain 5 levels of exhaustion.
    Black Ruin / Undeath You are resistant to Necrotic damage.   You cannot be killed permantly. If you die, you disentegrate. Your black tukui eats your charred remains. You then wake up the next morning in a shallow grave near your death location. You have no memory of the circumstances of your death, nor the events immediately leading up to it. On ressurection, roll a D20. If you roll a 1, you forget who you were, and who everyone else is. You retain your levels and abilities.   You can cast Toll the Dead cantip (no Aether cost) Your master of death allows you to cast the True Resurrection spell (Aether required, materials are not). After casting this spell, you cannot cast it again until 7 days have passed. You also cannot ressurect the same creature again with this ability.   Alernatively you can cast the Create Undead spell (Aether required, materials are not) to raise up to 6 Aether Zombies. After casting this spell, you cannot cast it again to summon new minions until 7 days have passed.   As the spell dictates, you control these Zombies for 24 hours, after which you either need to reassert control or they will become free. To reassert control, you can use this ability again (before the 7 days have passed), but immediately gain 1 level of exhaustion, and the next long rest or Greater Restoration cast on you will not reduce your exhaustion level. These are mutually exclusive (for example, having Greater Restoration cast on you twice, or taking two long rests will reduce your exhaustion level by 1, but a single Greater Restoration plus a single long rest combined will not lower your exhaustion)
    White Preservation, Life You no longer age. (You can still be killed by mortal means, poison, stabbed etc).   You can cast Spare the Dying cantrip (no Aether Cost) As the master of Prervation and Life, you can perform a miracle oncer per week without Aether:   -Stasis: You can lock up 6 creatures that you can see within 15 feet into stasis. An unwilling target can attempt a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC to resist the effect. A creature in stasis is stunned, immune to all damage, and cannot be affected by other spells for 10 minutes.   -Preservation. You touch a creature and restore them to their natural state, ending all curses, magical effects, spells, and unnatural conditions on that creature.   -Protection. You raise a dome-shaped, indestructible Aether shield in a 10-foot radius sphere centered at point you can see within 60 ft and designate any number of creatures you can see. This shield prevents everything from passing through other than healing magic or effects and the creatures you designated. This includes creatures, energy, spells. Any creature within the sphere cannot be affected by spells or magical effects originating from outside other than by designated creatures. The shield lasts for 10 minutes before dissipating.   -Revival. You touch one creature who has died int he last 10 minutes and restore them back to life with full health.   -Healing. Healing all creatures of your choice that you can see of all conditions and restoring them back to their maximum hit points.   -Restoration. You replicate greater restoration and cast it all creatures of your choice that you can see within 60 ft.   The strain of this ability is so intense that if you try to perform another miracle before 7 days have passed, immediately after the affects end, you gain 3 levels of exhaustion.