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Autumn Court

The Autumn Court was torn apart by a secret coup from the Summer and Winter Courts. It was done swiftly and quietly with no witnesses. No one for sure knows how or why the Autumn Court was taken over or what happened to the Torch Holders of the realm. In the past the Autumn Cort was one court with two very different faces. When first entering the court one encounters a dark and forbidding forest filled with dead trees. The forest floor is littered with fallen, rotting leaves, mushroom and moss grow in great abundance, and a thick fog hangs in the air everywhere. There are also thorny thickets and briars filling the gaps between the trees that are said to move as people walk through the forest creating an ever-shifting maze that make navgating this wood nearly impossible. Within this dark space many wicked creatures such as Unseelie fey and hags make their homes and prey on those who inevitably become lost and confused. However if one manages to make it into the heart of the forest they will encounter an entirely different world; for there lies the Court of Candles.   In contrast to the rest of the Autumn Court the Court of Candles is a beautiful realm of perpetually falling leaves of red, orange, and yellow. The twilight sky fills this realm with the colors of the most beautiful sunset and the stars are said to shine with a breathtaking brilliance unmatched anywhere else in the multiverse. Everywhere the trees and bushes grow heavy with fruit and countless animals feast upon this ever present bounty.   The residents of the Autumn Court, the Autumn Fey, are notable as a peaceful but isolationist people who prefer keeping to themselves rather than getting involved with the events of the rest of the Feywild. The dichotomy of the two faces of their land is intentional, created by the power of the ruler of The Autumn Court, the fair queen Morwel, the Dusk Queen. She created the foreboding forests that surround the Court of Candles as a natural defense for her people, protecting them from any would-be invaders or trouble-makers. The few outsiders that have managed to win the trust of the Autumn Fey and be granted passage into their lands describe the Autumn Fey as a peace-loving and hospitable people who spend their time feasting, playing games, listening to music, and engaging in art and philosophy.
Court, Royal

Articles under Autumn Court


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