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Goblins or Golin’dar are the “Quick People” of the gobliniods races. Many view goblins as cowardly backstabbers and bottom feeders living in the lower reaches of cities, not worthy of notice or acknowledgement. The fact of the matter is, the goblins of Eberron are quite different, and noticeably diverse. Some goblins living in cities get along as second class citizens, but many others have callings as spies and scouts in military divisions, mercenary companies, and even secret societies.   At Home in Rock Goblins are people that prefer dark places. Many of them were born in mountains, and they find the most comfort living in caves. Caves, for goblins, are durable and hold up well against attack, giving them a strong means of defense. It is common for goblins to use their small size to their advantage. Though this lends people towards cowardice, goblins are pragmatic enough to realize front line combat is a stupid endeavor, so they need every advantage they can get.   Though they get annoyed by stereotypes, goblins actually have thick skins and care little for others’ opinions. They live their lives how they wish, and the stereotypes put on them are a just a way for people to give hate to their fear. They waste no time on such people. By that same token, they rarely form opinions about people they know until they spend a lot of time with them, learning as much as possible. They are not casual with the word “friend”, but their definition of such a word is often crude and difficult for non-goblinoids to understand.   Goblins in cities, though thick-skinned, are often shy and reserved. They go about their lives with little notice, and try to remain concealed. Goblins of the khesh’dar (Silent Folk) are more confident and assertive in their dealings with others, as a display of their power in their own right.   Duty and Honor Even goblins that have spent time among humans and other races know the concept of muut and atcha, which are best translated as “duty” and “honor”. However, even this is inaccurate, as muut is honor, as well, but more appropriately means honor gained by following one’s duty. Atcha is honor earned in goblinoids through achievements of great deeds and glorious battles. This extends to spies and assassins, common functions of the shaarat’khesh (“silent blades”), and scouts, the muut of the taarka’khesh (“silent wolves”). All adventuring goblins see these concepts in everyday life, and in adventure, the draw of muut and atcha drives them for greater things.   Small and Squat Goblins are small creatures, smaller than even halflings, standing between 3’2” and 3’4”. Most goblins weigh about 25-30 lbs., making them lithe and wiry in build. Goblins have large, pointed, cup-like ears that are shaped like those of an elf, but webbed and slightly smaller. Goblin ears are very mobile, moving them according to their mood and mindset. Upturned ears are a common sign of alertness, while ears that are down often mean concentration or sadness. This makes reading the emotional range of goblins complex.   Goblin skin is commonly of a light green or orange hues, with little variations. They have slightly elongated skulls with sharp teeth. This gives them a gruff look, but not an unwelcome one.


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