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Demon Lord of the Abyss

Graz'zt, called The Dark Prince, was a demon lord and one of the most powerful fiends in the Abyss.   Standing nine feet tall, Graz'zt appears as a lithe, muscular humanoid. His skin shines like polished obsidian, and his eyes glitter with malevolent green light. He has yellowed fangs, pointed ears, and six slender fingers decorating each hand. He is sometimes described as having six small black horns half-hidden amid his thick black hair. These fiendish traits were apparent, regardless of whatever form Graz'zt chooses to take. He is considered the comeliest demon in the Abyss, and dresses in the most expensive and elegant finery on the entire plane.   Wielding an acid-drenched greatsword in one hand and a profane tower shield in the other, the Dark Prince is a veritable killing machine when loosed upon the hordes of the Abyss. What's more, he has a vast repertoire of spell-like abilities at his disposal, making him a deadly magical opponent. Graz'zt's greatest weapons, however, is his mastery of seduction and guile. He entertains the notion that he is the most cunning and intelligent creature in the Abyss; indeed, there are few who could possibly contest such a claim.   There are several competing, often contradictory theories as to Graz'zt's origin, some of which claim that he is not a native to the Abyss, but was once an archdevil who served Asmodeus. In one of these theories, Graz'zt was chosen to lead an invasion of the Abyss as part of the Blood War—and conquered three layers of the Abyss—but became corrupted by the chaotic forces he had been sent to destroy and renounced his allegiance to the devils. Another theory claimed that Graz'zt became disillusioned with his place in Baator when he realised that the hierarchy of Hell ultimately benefited only one creature - Asmodeus - and felt that pledging his allegiance to the Abyss was the only way to place himself beyond Asmodeus' clutches.   Yet another theory suggested that Graz'zt is one of several demonic children of Pale Night, sired after the fall of the Obyrith; this would make him the brother of several other demons, including Lupercio, Vucarik, Rhyxali and Zivorgian. Those who subscribed to this theory believed that Pale Night must have drawn some great evil entity to herself to father her children; suggestions for what this entity could have been included an evil god such as Set, a baernoloth, the patriarch of a race of immortal warriors from another reality, an Outer God of Crawling Chaos, and even a sentient portion of the Abyss itself. Some maintain that Asmodeus was drawn from the Nine Hells to mate with Pale Night, implying that there may be truth in both theories.   During the Rage of Demons in 1486 DR, Graz'zt was summoned to the Underdark below the Earthfast Mountains near the Master's Library where he subdued a force of Zhentarim.
Black Pools of Darkness
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Greyish Purplish


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