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Leader of the Cadre of the Primeval

An ancient iron dragon from ages past. Held in the tunnels of the old fortress of the Knights of the Eternal and forgotten about. He was belonged to the Cadre of the Primeval that was charged with keeping Eltab entombed in his prison. As time passed for the mortals, they forgot about the sacred duty of the Cadre and subscribed to the whispers and started hunting the Primeval members. The dragons were too clever and made sure that Eltab would stay entombed even after their deaths. With their last breath they condensed their magic into crystals that would continue to hold Eltab's seals in place. Grymoss was the last to fall. Even a dragon as mighty as he must succumb to age and death. Even he could no longer keep his light flickering. He who saw the birth of mountains and oceans passed into the next world in the cold damp dungeons of the keep to be forgotten about.


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