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Hizagkuur Ore

An extraordinarily rare white metal named after the long-ago dwarven discoverer, it is found in scattered but very rich deposits of greenish-grey mud far below the surface. Its preparation is very complex, should even a single element of the process be left out or bungled it remains mud rather than becoming useable metal. If successfully transformed into metal, hizagkuur must be cast, worked, or forged within _one day_ of the transformation and thereafter can never be reworked. If left untouched for that day, the metal becomes inert and may never be worked (although direct divine intervention can return it to the workable state, no mortal magic is capable of this). Hizagkuur is unsuitable for use in items to be wielded or worn for two reasons. First, it generates a constant surge of electricity, damaging any living flesh in contact with it unless immune to such. Second, it reflects magic back at the caster, any sort of magic (possibly even V.N., though not divine power), itself being unaffected by it.


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