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Knights of the Eternal Flame

Once a prestige order of knights and worshippers of the Red Knight. They took an oath to bring order and justice to the free marches. For many years they did. They fought back the hordes and drove them to the north and cleared monsters from their dens. Lords and Dukes sent their sons to seek glory and adventurers made the journey to their keep to find riches and fame. Many of bards have sung songs and written ballads of the deeds of the Knight of the Eternal Flame. Over the past hundred years the Knights have vanished into legend and memory. No one really knows what happened to them. Either the knights lost favor with local lords or some horrible tragedy. There are many tales of what happened but no proof to any. No one has seen a Knight of the Eternal in over a hundred years. Their keep was left abandoned and left to the elements and the hordes of the north quickly made their way back south to terrorize the people.
Civilian, Knightly Order
Controlled Territories


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