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Luminian are the children of Selune, goddess of the moon, star and navigators, wanderers, and good lycanthropes. Before the Convergence, the denizens of Luminia lived in direct contact with their deity within the High City of Luminia. She walked among them, gifted them with wings of pure moonlight, taught them the secrets of the heavens and helped them map out the constellations. A benevolent race, the Luminians mostly keep to themselves, needing little help from outside races or forces while their mother goddess was near. Every Luminia recalls with pangs of sorrow the day that their fair city fell from the sky. In those few confusing seconds during the Convergence, Selune vanished without warning. Her divine magic that held the city of Luminia aloft faltered and the city plunged to the earth. The High Mages of the Lunar Council were able conjure a protective shield around the city to keep it mostly intact but the loss of life and damage to the floating metropolis was still catastrophic. In the following years, a reluctant alliance with the other races for space to live. The Luminia never forgot the void left in their hearts when their connection to their goddess was severed and some never forgave what they perceived as blatant abandonment. Once resembling graceful willowy elves with glowing star dappled skin and wings of pure, white moonlight. The appearance of the Luminian race has slowly changed since they were cut off from Selune. Their glowing skinned dimmed to paleness, sometime tinged with light blue. Black lines began to spider across their bodies and around the sockets of their eyes, giving them an eerie but somehow still exquisite visage. Their celestial wings weakened and their ability to fly was diminished greatly, allowing them to take to the air in only short bursts. No one is certain of the source of this blight. But it seems to worsen every few years when the faces of the moon turn away and turn dark.


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