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Stonescales Village

This is a small village of lizardfolk, located in the swamp lands south of Kandor. Very few people even know of the existence of the village as the residents mainly keep to themselves and seldom venture out of the swamps. The village itself is located under a large bluff with ruins of an ancient temple dotting the cliff side. Most of the village is built within the large trees growing under the bluff with crisscrossing rope bridges connecting the buildings. The village is governed by the Chieftain and six Wise Ones. Gold and silver means very little here. Money is a foreign idea in this village. The residents believe the good of the tribe is more important than the good of the individual. Everyone has a duty to do and everyone works for the betterment of the tribe. Gender is only important for reproduction and holds no sway in day to day lives or duties. Children are raised by the village not by parents. The children are of the village and no one knows who is their biological parents is.   The village worships the deity Essylliss. An almost forgotten god except for a few pockets of believers. The village story is that a thousand years ago their ancestors committed a great sin against their god. Only the Wise Ones know what the sin was. The god demanded they watch over a piece of crystal as redemption. The current tribe prides themselves on redeeming their ancestors for the mysterious sin they committed and bringing honor back to their tribe. Now they guard the temple within the bluff day and night. Folklore says the demigod Kessessk fell in this temple to defend the crystal. His maul is passed down to Chieftain to Chieftain.   The village has a good relationship with the nearby druid village and a few rangers that pass by. Others the villagers keep their distant from and want nothing to do with the strange outside world. Only one of them, Tathrak, travels to the nearby village of Kandor to trade goods. He is considered strange among his people but they enjoy is stories of the alien world outside of the swamp.

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