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A succubus is a type of fiend, a beautiful lesser breed of tanar'ri from the Infinite Layers of the Abyss. They exist to seduce and tempt mortals and ultimately slay them and take their life energy back to the Abyss. The male counterpart of this creature was called an incubus. Legend held that incubi and succubi were wholly separate sexes, and the males were significantly rarer than the female of their kind. In fact, with their shapechanging powers, incubi and succubi could both change their sex with ease, though most had a preference for one or the other. When uncovered in her true form, a succubus appeared as a stunningly beautiful woman of statuesque build and perfect figure, with flawless skin and red or raven-black hair, but also clawed fingers and large dark-hued or reddish bat-like wings mounted on their backs. Their eyes were said to smolder with sinister desire. Small horns or a tail might also be seen. Succubi stood on average around 6 feet. Demonic succubi were by far the most attractive of the otherwise-hideous tanar'ri, maybe even of all demons. However, succubi often used their shapechanging ability to assume a humanoid form, and could maintain it as a disguise for as long as they liked. Thus mortals rarely saw succubi and incubi in their true forms but they were always attractive to an observer. With a kiss of her lips, an embrace in her arms, or something more intimate, a succubus could drain the life energy of a mortal who lacked stamina, weakening them in every aspect or wounding their psyche until they died or escaped and took time to recover. For mortals who were unwilling, and the certain few who were willing, the succubus would have to charm or grapple him or her in order to lay their kiss somewhere. Caught in the throes of passion, the victim often didn't notice their life being drained away, unless they could keep their heads. However, a kiss from a fiendish succubus was actually quite painful, giving no satisfaction, only utter emptiness. One slain by this life-draining kiss might rise again as a greater vampire; for example, this was the way Jonathon Morningmist was turned. Moreover, as with a suggestion spell, the kiss of a demonic succubus could make the victim desire another kiss if they did not have the willpower to resist, and yet another, so they inevitably and willingly gave up their energy to the succubus. Originally, demonic succubi were presumed to be capable of any kind of suggestion, without need of a kiss. Fiendish succubi could become ethereal by slipping into the Ethereal Plane. They could also magically charm a humanoid, in sight up to 30 feet (9.1 meters) away, and make them obey any command they gave them. The victim might resist, especially if made to perform a harmful or suicidal action. Resisting freed their mind for 24 hours, but failure kept them beholden to the succubus for a full day. The succubus could only have one charmed victim at a time; taking another would free the last one. They were good listeners and very observant. They were persuasive, deceptive, stealthy, and had a little skill in bonds, both tying them and escaping them, and not just recreationally.


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