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The Wound

A large canyon spanning forty miles at the widest point and over hundred and sixty miles long. Ruins of the ancient city of Brel-Bridal, the Platinum City, sit at the bottom. Legends speak of the something happening int he city that angered the gods. They sent their divine power to raise the city from the world starting the Great Cataclysm two thousand years ago. Goblins, orcs and many other creatures of the dark have made the ruins their home over the years. Many adventurers have made their name from exploring the great ruins, finding treasure, ancient magical artifacts and lost knowledge. Recently a comet of black fire was seen falling into the ruins, followed by a great quake that opened up more ruins to explore. The quake also stirred up the local residents of the wound and sending hordes toward Oaken Keep. The Crimson Brigade has put out a call for all willing adventures to come and make their fortune.   Mudding Hollow: A makeshift huts from the rubble of the ruined city. Kobolds scatter around the mud with crude weapons and found armor. Rumors say they worship a dragon in cavern under the ruined camp. Kobolds will trade with adventurers but will also attack them at the drop of a hat.   Neverending Green: The ruins are covered with moss and vines. A few skeletons can be seen poking through the undergrowth. The smell of decay and earth permeating the air. The creatures of the city give this area a wide berth. There are several statues are covered with overgrown vines.   The Hanging Wall: A section of the ruined city that was once the crafting district is now home to beady eye ratfolk. They are extremely territorial and hunt down any intruders and hang them disemboweled from the city walls.   The Flooded Market: Once a great thriving center of commerce, now a watery pit of slime and stench. A few horrible creatures have made this place their homes and prey on anything that disturbs the calm water.   The Stinks: A horrible smell of unwashed bodies and rotten meat permeates the air. Ramshackle huts and thrown together hovels dot the ruins. It looks deserted and empty of life, but goblin await in the dark cracks for anyone to fall in their numerous traps.   The Dark Mists: Broken cobble streets and shattered walls show what this grand city once looked like. This part of the ruins is the least touched by mortal hands. Notably due to the purple vapor leaking from the cracks of the streets and walls. No one knows where this vapor comes from, but they do know if anyone wandering into the mists they are never seen again.   Cracked Pillars: No one knows for sure what this area was original used for. The hill giants have knocked down most of the buildings and reused the stones for their own use. Orcs move about with purpose, hauling food or building supplies.   Bone Manor: Next to the Cracked Pillars. This large building, probably used as a government building, have carcasses and bones strewn about the perimeter. No one knows who or what is inside, but the hill giants seems hesitate to enter the building.   Gravesend: A settlement northwest of the main city that has been taken over by some strange cult. They dig day and night for something. A few adventurers have joined their ranks others have been forced into digging for them.   Cursed Stones: A settlement southwest of the main city is overrun with undead. Mostly stationary until something moves into their field of vision. What they lack in speed or skill they make up for in sheer numbers. A few higher undead make their way around the ruins on patrols.   Scorched Tower: A large stone tower near the Cursed Stones: The undead seem to be guarding the tower. At night, moans and shrieks can be heard from the tower that can turn the toughest fighter into a coward.


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