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A refined, concentrated, and reactive form of the essence of silver, truesilver is a thick metallic fluid valued at 3 to 5 silver coins per _drop_. Again, never mistake it for the alchemical True Silver, a fluid essence of silver useful in enchanting items of spell storing and animation of golems. This truesilver, while deadly poisonous if consumed, is best known for its uses in creation of permanent magical devices, especially those in which a portion of the spirit or magicalpotential of the maker must be sacrificed in the making. A few drops of making such items available without harming any living thing. Truesilver cannot be used to make potions or other consumables, and it just isn't powerful enough to be substituted in those magics which call for Primal truesilver can be substituted for each unit of sacrifice normally required, forces, such as divine-level powers. Truesilver can be refined by an enchanter of at least the 5th level, whose skills in metallurgy are considerable. It takes an hour and 1/25th pound of silver to make each drop (individually!).


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