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Vard is a trading hub for the local area. Almost all goods from the Jagged Steppes to the Shadowmoth Plains go through Vard. Built in on a large hill and spreading out at the base. Almost any type of wares can be found in the largest open air bazar in the province. Hundred of tents and make shift hovel shop spread out in the large empty plaza. The Lord of the city is a cruel greedy man but has turned over a new leaf in recent weeks. The city is draped in festive colors as the people get ready to celebrate an ancient festival the city hasn't oberved in mnay years. The postistive energy of the the townsfolk is infectious and anyone can not help but smile. The only blight upon his fesive feeling is a missing guard from a few weeks ago.   Population: 9,693, Size: 313 acres Demographics: Human (39%), Elf (17%), Halfling (16%), Half-Elf (11%), Gnome (8%), Dwarf (4%), Half-Orc (1%)
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