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Leyshsi Coast (ɬəɣʃsi)

The Leyshsi Coast refers to the northern coast of the Schex'pui bordering the Nejwot Sea. The region has a mediterranean climate due to cold water flowing south from the 60th parallel into the Nejwot sea. The Leyshsi coast is bounded to the south and east by the Stenmi mountains.  


The Stenmi mountain range is volcanic in nature, with several notable volcanoes dotting the coast. The cumulative results of the eruptions of the volcanoes has lead to some of the most fertile soil in the world. The region is also very geologically active. The Leyshsi coast records an average of 400 minor earthquakes a year, with a major earthquake occurring once every 15 years along the coast. This has affected local religions within the Leyshsi coast. The local Senye religion centers on the god Ro who now resides under the land. While they normally do not cause any issues, leaving the world for their children to inherit and fulfill, they will occasionally bump into their living space, causing earthquakes from the force of the collision. This has had an affect on the channelers of the region, with the followers of Ro often having abilities involving the movement of objects and the shaking of the earth. This makes their channelers dangerous opponents to fight in one to one combat, with their channelers known around the Nejwot sea for their abilities.  


The volcanic nature of the Stenmi mountains make the Leyshsi coast one of the fertile regions in the world. Farming is the largest sector of the economy on the coast, with upwards of 75% of the labor force working in agriculture in some regions. This agricultural sector also helps support the export of food to nearby regions along the Nejwot sea out to regions such as the Fuoxe islands and the Pwozlunt.
Coast / Shore


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