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Astara Shard

Astara is a mid-sized shard with a predominantly human population, bordering the Mediterranean Sea in the Old World. Due to its mild climate, it's mostly known for agriculture and animal husbandry, with its close proximity to other shards allowing for some export of goods. While there's little to make it stand out, it's known as a peaceful and prosperous shard with few natural hazards.  

Climate and Geography

Astara is blessed with a pleasantly Mediterranean climate, with hot summers and mild, rainy winters. It's extremely favorable to agriculture; the lowlands near the coast are flat and fertile, perfect for crops, with numerous wooded valleys that are good for hunting and grazing extending up into the mountains further inland. Numerous streams thread through the shard from mountains to sea, meaning that few places are far from access to drinkable water.  

Population and Governance

The shard's population is primarily composed of a series of farming communities scattered along the lowlands, radiating out from the capital city of Astara itself; between the great road that runs the length of the lowlands and the close proximity to the sea, it's the easiest way to transport crops and material goods. These towns and villages are almost overwhelmingly human, while some small mixed elven/human communities exist higher up in the valleys more removed from the regular flow of travel.   Astara is ruled by a hereditary royal family, the Vazannos, who in turn govern a series of lesser nobility who divide up the rest of the shard into their protective territories. Though the Vazannos are generally regarded as fair and honest rulers and are well-liked among the people, some of their ruling lords have been known to act corruptly and have had to be removed from power.   While Astara itself is predominantly human, the shard does have a small population of elves and a rare few shapeshifters who primarily exist there as trade representatives from other shards. There's no great ill will between the races, but nonhumans do stand out among the general population, and aren't involved in the shard's leadership.  


The capital city of Astara shares its name with the shard itself and is located on the coast, serving as the primary port city through which all commerce flows and the seat of the royal family. It's sizable and prosperous, with a population composed of many merchants and craftsmen who provide a steady flow of goods and refined materials to the smaller communities throughout the rest of the shard. Despite the relative peace within the shard, Astara is old enough to have existed pre-Shattering and the inner city has formidable walls that the population has since outgrown and surrounded with a sprawl of newer infrastructure.  

Other Notable Locations

The Alamansa Caves riddle the waterline for several miles of the shore's rockier portions of coast. Most are accessible only by water, but some have narrow passages extending up into the hills above; in the distant past they were used at least once as a brood lair for dragons, and there's still the odd piece of near-fossilized eggshell found in their twisting tunnels. More recently they've been used as smuggler caves, making their exploration a somewhat risky process.   SARTÉNA
A small city located at the northern end of the shard, in a place where the mountains run close to the shoreline and frame the top of the fertile lowlands. Sarténa went through a period of unrest as a result of corrupt leadership from its ruling lord, which resulted in a seeming curse on the city that caused the dead to rise. The exact source or resolution to the curse is unknown, but it faded shortly after the lord was killed by the undead.

Due to its central location in the northern fields, the otherwise unremarkable village of Summerset plays host to the shard's annual harvest celebration and is a popular meeting point for people from opposite ends of Astara. It's famed for the explosion of wildflowers that surrounds it in the late summer.

Located in what was once one of the more prosperous farming valleys of Astara, the Wash is the remnants of a massive landslide that destroyed most of the fields and one unfortunate village about a century ago. Since then it's slowly becoming reforested and is a good hunting spot, but many consider the valley unlucky and haunted. Winter rains will sometimes dislodge bones or artifacts from the buried village.

Said to be the location where Aia wept tears of joy at Riev's declaration of his love, the Well of Aia is a pool of crystalline water located in the mountains with a spectacular overlook of the majority of the shard below. It's famously fertile ground surrounded by forests that seem incredibly resistant to winter chill, resulting in year-round flowers in the area close to the Well. It's considered an incredibly lucky place for marriage proposals and vows of devotion, resulting in many couples travelling there in hope of the goddess blessing their union.
map of Astara Shard

Quick Facts

Approximate Size: ~1500 sq. miles
Number of Entrances: 2
Capital City: Astara   Dominant Race: human
Approximate Population: ~50,000


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