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Elasion Silverleaf

Born the Crown Prince of the elven kingdom of Silverleaf, the course of Elasion's life changed dramatically when the city fell to Seraphs. Escaping alongside his sister Alysa as Silverleaf's only surviving royalty, he gave up his largely symbolic crown to join the Royal Guard of Darkmere in service to his uncle. He was later sent alongside Alysa to serve as teacher and protector to the young Reaper, Artemis Hunter.  


Rigid, proud, and unforgiving, Elasion can be a difficult person to get along with. Honor means a great deal to him, and even after passing the title of Crown Prince to his sister he's still very conscious of the standards that an elven royal is expected to meet. In Elasion's mind, his status means that he needs to work twice as hard; he's demanding of others, but even more demanding of himself, and anything less than excellence might as well be failure. He feels the weight of responsibility heavily, and is insistent on fulfilling any perceived debt.   Elasion considers his responsibilities threefold; to his sister Alysa, his king, and his people. Alysa is always his first and foremost concern, and he's fiercely protective of her above all else. Beyond that, he's deeply dedicated to both the survivors of Silverleaf and the court of Darkmere. Elasion is, for the most part, obedient. The only time he's willing to defy the orders of the High King is when he sees those orders as directly in contrast with his other allegiances; in some ways he perceives this as a failing on his part, but isn't fully able to set aside the loyalty he feels to what little remains of the kingdom he was born to.  


Trained from as early an age as he was able, Elasion is a talented and exemplary warrior. He's proficient with both sword and a double-edged glaive, though heavily favors the latter when given the choice, and can use both to a level of skill befitting a member of the Royal Guard. Though he has no magic of his own, he's trained to fight both martial and magical foes and has practice at pushing through magic that targets the mind instead of the body. He's not easily shaken by even the most formidable opponents.   Members of the Guard are taught to act as a team or command groups of lesser fighters as the situation calls for, and as a result Elasion has a strong knowledge of tactics and how to direct troops effectively on a battlefield. He has a natural confidence and sense of command that his peers respect and can be an important source of morale; despite this, he feels he works best following commands rather than giving them. Once given a task, he pursues it with unshakable single-mindedness.  


Firstborn heir to King Adan and Queen Laurelis of the elven kingdom of Silverleaf, Elasion was expected to eventually succeed his father on the throne in ruling over the Shard. His destiny took an abrupt turn in early childhood, however; in an unprecedented invasion of Genesis's borders, Silverleaf was somehow infiltrated by the Seraphs. The city burned, with most of its people slaughtered in the streets, and Elasion and his younger sister just barely escaped as the only surviving members of the royal family.   Rescued from pursuers by the then-Reaper Haruko Nakajima, the Silverleaf children were ferried to the court of their uncle, the High King Enderil Darkmere. They grew up here in his household, still accorded all the respect due their royal birth despite the full understanding that they were heirs to an empty throne. In time, the surviving people of Silverleaf also made their way to Darkmere Shard and formed a refugee population in the Lower City. Growing up, Elasion was always aware of the weight of his people's expectations; he and his sister were the last symbol of the kingdom's history and the world as it had once been, and he held himself rigidly to that standard as he came into adulthood.   Coming into adulthood as a skilled warrior, Elasion decided that he needed to fulfil what he saw as a great debt to the High King who had taken both him and his people in; giving up his status as Crown Prince, he swore loyalty to Enderil and became a member of the king's Royal Guard. While he still did all in his power to support and help the refugees of Silverleaf, he felt that Alysa was the more natural choice as Crown Princess and would be better able to uphold that role. He also understood that his place in the Guard meant that he could help protect them, becoming an active member of the shard's protectors rather than living the more restricted life of a prince and courtier.   Both Alysa and Elasion's lives were upended in their early adulthood, when a message from the Reaper Kenneth Hunter arrives asking for their help in protecting and training his successor. The subsequent years are spent watching over Artemis Hunter as he comes into his power, with Elasion helping the young Reaper master his combat skills while protecting him from the perpetual threat of the Seraph family.  

Important Relationships

Alysa is the only family Elasion has left, and he's always quick to jump to his younger sister's defense even when she doesn't feel the need to be defended. Though they're only a few years apart in age, he has a tendency to treat her like she's far younger and often comes across as overbearing and dismissive; in spite of this, he's well-aware and proud of her level head and quick mind. The siblings get along well for the most part, and they tend to be in agreement on most things of importance. Above all else, they're overwhelmingly devoted to the survivors of Silverleaf.
Darius and Elasion are often at each other's throats, and for good reason; in addition to the natural enmity between their people, one which Elasion has personal bitter experience with, there's the additional strain when Darius eventually forms a romantic relationship with Alysa. There's never any love lost between the two at the best of times, but eventually they come to hold a begrudging respect for one another and their respective skills. In many ways, the friction between the two stems from the fact that they share a lot of qualities and don't particularly enjoy the commonality.
Though Elasion's initial impressions of Hunter are of someone far too young and naïve for the gravity of his role as Reaper, the two eventually become casual friends. Elasion sometimes falls back to treating Hunter with the same dismissive attitude as he does Alysa, especially in situations where he feels Hunter is out of his depth, but does come to respect that the young Reaper's earnest nature doesn't keep him from doing what must be done.   ENDERIL DARKMERE
Elasion feels a deep sense of obligation to his uncle, and swears his fealty as a member of the Royal Guard even though it means that his loyalty will be forever split between the kingdom of his birth and the kingdom that took him in. He has a great respect for the unwavering strength with which Enderil's kept Darkmere protected and flourishing, and while he occasionally disagrees with the king's decisions he considers his own feelings secondary to his obedience.

Basic Information

Name: Elasion Silverleaf
  Race: elven
Sex: male
Age: mid-eighties (young adult)
  Storyline: Bloodlines

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