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Estaval Shard

A large shard with a relatively scattered population, Estaval is located somewhere in Western Europe within the Old World. It has less of a unified identity than smaller shards, and consists of multiple communities that tend to lean either human or elven but with plenty that are formed of a mix of the two. The people of Estaval make their living in a variety of ways, and the various settlements are largely self-reliant but enjoy being able to trade among themselves for an exchange of more specialized goods.  

Climate and Geography

Estaval is large enough that its climate varies slightly by region, but for the most part has a climate of hot, rainy summers and cold snowy winters with conditions being slightly more moderate on the side of the shard that borders the ocean. Much of the land is covered in forests of pine and oak, with rolling hills that divide the land into wide segments of flatlands that are well-suited for agriculture. Though it doesn't span the length of the shard, a small range of mountains lies towards the inland edge of the shard and provides an isolating factor to a few communities on the far side.  

Population and Governance

Estaval's population is widely distributed across the shard, with smaller farming communities interspersed between towns along the main roads. For the most part the larger cities are spread along the coast, taking advantage of the potential for inter-shard travel and trade, but this isn't universally true and a handful of towns inland push the boundary between town and true city. Towns and villages towards the more heavily forested northern half of the shard tend to have a higher percentage of elves among their inhabitants, while those to the more open south have a higher percentage of humans, but there's no hard-and-fast territorial boundaries and more cities have a mixed population than one that's completely racially distinct.   Though their exact population size is unknown, it's widely understood that Estaval does have a population of shapeshifters living in the mountains and forests; they'll occasionally come down from the wilds to trade for supplies, but show a typical disinterest in mingling with the elven and human populations. Hunting in these areas is undertaken with caution, as is the custom in all areas shapeshifters are known to frequent.   There's no single unified government across all of Estaval, and the shard operates more like a series of city-states with settlements offering their loyalty and a reasonable tithe to the closest major city in exchange for protection and access to resources they don't have easy access to themselves. Despite the looseness of the system, there's little major conflict. Individual cities vary between hereditary rule and elected or hereditary councils, with the capital city of Esteval itself being ruled by a mixed-race council.  


Though a non-unified shard can't truly be said to have a capital, the city of Esteval is both the largest settlement in the shard and lends its name to the region as a whole. It's located at the junction of the River Muros and River Noya, several miles inland from where their combined flow meets the ocean; once a relatively modest port, the city has grown to be a major power since the time of the Shattering. In large part its success is owed to its central location within Estaval as a whole, with its place on the river extending its reach both towards the ocean and inland far more than it would otherwise be able to maintain. Similarly, the fact that the twin rivers empty into the ocean near one of the major sea entrances in and out of the shard mean that Esteval has an edge over the other port cities it competes with. It's considered a place of culture and skilled craftsmen, and an example that the other cities of the shard strive to emulate.  

Other Notable Locations

A small, primarily human farming community in a dead-end valley at the base of the Backbreaks. Was briefly terrorized by a valravn, a rare supernatural creature that preys on children.   BACKBREAK MOUNTAINS
Somewhat ambitiously named, the Backbreak Mountains are actually rather low and unimposing. They're just prominent enough that they're easier to go around than cross directly, extending any journey from one side to the other by several days and resulting in the communities on their far side being far less travelled than most of the shard.   CATHEDRAL OF THE SUMMER STAR
Built in the center of a wide plain that's mostly blanketed in wheat fields, the Cathedral of the Summer Star stands over the site of a fallen star and is one of the largest temples of Tanith within Genesis. It's a source of pride for Estavalians, and a popularly held belief that the abundant rains that grant the shard its rich growing season can be attributed to Tanith's favor for such a spectacular monument.   MORADA
An otherwise unremarkable town, Morada's small claim to fame is as the birthplace of Dinás Altanis, a powerful Weaver who was largely responsible for establishing Estaval's borders during the Shattering.

Quick Facts

Approximate Size: ~5300 sq. miles
Number of Entrances: 4
Capital City: Estaval
  Dominant Race: mixed
Approximate Population: ~75,000


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