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Ishemin Shard

A large, wild shard, Ishemin is located in the North American Midwest of the Old World. While there are a few small settlements belonging to mixed human/elven populations, the majority of the shard is heavily forested and is populated by shapeshifters and the race known as stormcrows.  

Climate and Geography

The potent magic of its stormcrow population meant that Ishemin was made large enough for the terrain to shift as you travel from south to north. The lower portions of the shard are somewhat more open, with stands of forest intermingled with wide, grassy plains; as you move further north, the land rises into thick woodlands of mixed pine, hemlock, and aspen. Summers are hot and humid and winters are bitterly cold with heavy snowfall. Though there's no major mountain range within the shard, there are several isolated peaks of granite that jut far above the forests around them and serve as reliable landmarks when navigating the wilderness.  

Population and Governance

Due to a mix of different populations within its borders, the general rule in Ishemin is that everyone keeps to themselves. The humans and elves manage their own settlements autonomously, shapeshifter packs operate in solitude as they always do, and the various stormcrow villages and aeries exist as a loose coalition with no single leader. As a whole, though, it's understood that Ishemin is primarily a stormcrow shard. The tribes form the clear majority of the shard's population as a whole, and it's understood that the others who live there do so only at their sufferance.   The stormcrows themselves span the length and breadth of the shard, with the male-populated aeries located in the heights of the granite peaks and the villages populated by unwed women, married couples, and children ranging from the northern forests to the southern flatlands.  


The largest stormcrow village in the shard, Síwe is located along the forest's edge at the northernmost point of the flatlands. Its population varies slightly depending on the time of year and the comings and goings of smaller migratory groups who call it home during the winter, but its permanent population tends to be several hundred people supported by farming on the grasslands. Síwe's importance also stems from the fact that it plays traditional host to matchmaking between the young men and women of the shard; youth travel there from their respective villages for a month in the height of summer each year, spending time together and evaluating potential partners. The village has a large secondary area of housing dedicated specifically to hosting this summer matchmaking, which during the winter holds migratory groups as needed.  

Other Notable Locations

One of the oldest settlements in the shard, Akwe is a stormcrow village that serves as their primary contact point with the shapeshifters who call Ishemin home. The two races share a good relationship, finding many points of commonality in the similarities of their lifestyles.   GREAT SHADOW MOUNTAIN
Once home to a stormcrow aerie, Great Shadow Mountain was abandoned long ago for unknown reasons. It's a particularly forbidding-looking granite peak that's thought to be the home of a Freed Spirit known as Great Shadow; though the spirit is generally though to be benign, the stormcrows give the place a wide berth out of respect. Storms seem to form here with more frequency than nature can account for.   IISHE
The northernmost aerie of the shard, Iishe is also the most well-established out of necessity; building it up is essential to survive the bitter winters, and it resembles ground villages far more than many other aeries that have little to no formal structures other than those necessary for hosting guests. As a result it's a popular choice for young stormcrow women during their Sky Year in spite of its harsh winters.   IRONWOOD FALLS
A dramatic set of waterfalls, which cascades over the underlying shale of the landscape in a series of eddies and cascades. Dangerous in spring when it's running strong, by summer it's an idyllic spot for swimming and bathing. Stormcrows and shapeshifters come together here in the fall for the abundant run of salmon, which can be picked off as they climb the falls.   LOVERS' BOWER
A wooded hollow in the Northwoods, which legend says was the meeting place of the Eagle Reaper  and the human woman he fell in love with. A stone outcrop in the hollow is streaked with bright mica, said to be the marks from the sweep of the Reaper's wings as he landed and turned into a man. It's a popular courting spot for young stormcrow couples.   THE NORTHWOODS
The collective term for the thick forests of the shard, covering the northern two-thirds of the land.   RIVERSMEET
The primary non-stormcrow settlement in the shard, Riversmeet is located at the fork of two major rivers and is made up of a fairly even mix of several hundred humans and elves. Its people trade regularly with the stormcrows of Síwe, providing goods brought in from other shards that aren't easily made within Ishemin itself. Those who choose to live here tend to enjoy the natural splendor of the shard, and get along well with their wilder neighbors; it's common to see stormcrows visiting the town to enjoy the variety that the bright, vibrant waterfront community offers.

Quick Facts

Approximate Size: ~4200 square miles
Number of Entrances: 5
Capital City: Síwe
  Dominant Race: stormcrows
Approximate Population: ~60,000


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