Cats Species in Genetic Disorder | World Anvil
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They come in several breeds, but the most common are the following:
  Four-Eared: The most common variety. Basic barn cat, basic companion. Used to alert travelers to danger, as all four ears function very well, and they generate a chattering sound to alert their humans.
  Fluffy: long tufts of fur on their necks, ears, tail tips, and elbows. Bred to look like lions; kinda useless nowadays, but they've managed to stick around due to how popular they were pre-cataclysm. Used as pets, and little else.
  Fighter: Venomous felines, used to hunt down Raars. Bobcat sized, large pawed, long fanged, and DANGEROUS if not tame... Hence why it's illegal to let them roam free, in most places.
  Fisher: Webbing between their toes, dense fur, small ears, and secondary transparent eyelids. Used as fishing companions.

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