Kamisato Aisa (神里愛沙 Kamisato Aisa)

Lady Aisa Kamisato

Kamisato Aisa was a Japanese-born alumnus of Teyvat Academy. She was a member of the noble and wealthy Kamisato family, a distant cousin of the head of the family at the time of her youth and is well known as the most beloved daughter of the Kamisato family and the dearest friend of Kamisato Nariaki, the son of the current head.   Aisa was famous for being incredibly kind and gentle with everyone she met, but those who knew her well also knew that she was incredibly stubborn and fiery - traits she only showed to those she truly trusted as they were not considered very ladylike. Traits she later passed onto her daughter.   She married Yukimura Naoya, the heir to the Yukimura family, and was the mother of Yukimura Kuri and Yukimura Katsunosuki. She was the grandmother of Yukimura Saori, and would've been the great-grandmother of Yukimura Yukiko and great-great-grandmother, as well as distant cousin, of Kamisato Fynn.


Early Life

Aisa was born a daughter of the prestigious Kamisato family. Her branch of the family were only distant cousins of the head branch, their closest shared ancestor being nine generations back, but, despite this, her branch were one of the closest of the sister branches to the main branch. As such, she grew up alongside the children of the head of the family at that time, Kamisato Kazuma, and was almost inseparable with Kazuma's eldest son, Nariaki - who was the same age as her.   As members of two of the most powerful and wealthy families at the time, Aisa was also in an arranged marriage from the moment of her birth with the heir of the Yukimura family, Yukimura Naoya. As such, the three of them, Aisa, Nariaki, and Naoya, would often spend the majority of their time growing up together. Although they had no say in their arranged marriage, which was to happen after they both turned seventeen, neither Aisa nor Naoya displayed having any issue with it - and in fact they were closer with each other than either of them were with Nariaki. Therefore, it came as no surprise to either of their families when they admitted to falling in love with each other when they were fourteen.  

Education at Teyvat Academy

While at Teyvat Academy, Aisa was in the Inazuma dorm. Like the majority of the Kamisato family, and her distant cousin, Nariaki, Aisa was a part of the sub-unit of the Inazuma varsity teams, the Yashiro Commission - specifically on their kendo team. Also on the team were Yukimura Naoya, and Aisa's best friend, Kaedehara Kayami.   She was in the same class as Kamisato Nariaki, Yukimura Naoya, Kaedehara Kayami, Sakurai Kisa, and Niwa Yoshinori - all of whom Aisa got along well with and considered friends.   When she was fourteen, she and Naoya confessed to their mutual feelings for each other, and their engagement officially became more than just a business arrangement between their two families. The summer before her final year of school, when both Aisa and Naoya were seventeen, they got married - as the arrangement between their families had dictated. Naoya's father permitted for them to finish their education first, however, before he passed down the title of head of the Yukimura family.   Aisa graduated from Teyvat Academy alongside Yoshinori, Nariaki, Kisa, Kayami, and Naoya in July 1967.  

Birth of Kuri, Katsunosuki, and Kiyoshi

Two years after graduating, in March 1969, Aisa gave birth to her and Naoya's first child, a daughter they called Kuri. As was common with the Yukimura family, Kuri inherited her father's snow white hair, silver eyes, and pale skin. Kuri was also the same age as Nariaki's son, Takehide. As such, Aisa and Nariaki often brought them together to play with each other as children.   When Kuri was five, in November 1974, Aisa gave birth to her and Naoya's second child, the eldest of their two sons, Katsunosuki. Katsunosuki inherited Naoya's white hair and pale skin, but also inherited Aisa's purple eyes. Two years after Katsunosuki, Aisa gave birth to her and Naoya's second son and third and final child, Kiyoshi, in July 1976.  

Death and the Fall of the Yukimura Family

In April 1989, two years after Kuri's marriage to Kujou Shohei, Kuri gave birth to a daughter she called Saori. Usually, this event would bring joy to the Yukimura family. However, in this occasion, it did not as it was very widely known that Kuri and Shohei were not intimate with one another - they appeared loving and affectionate, and their marriage was considered a happy one, but they were not intimate. As such, it was only possible for Saori to have been conceived and born outside of Kuri's marriage and that her father was someone other than Shohei.   Kuri, however, refused to admit to anyone the true identity of Saori's father. And the Yukimura family weren't able to push her for answers for very long as, only a few days after Saori's birth, members of the Yukimura family started to be attacked by monsters.   Over the course of the month following Saori's birth, numerous monsters descended upon the Yukimura family, killing the members of the family faster than the Yukimuras could kill the monsters. Towards the end of the month, all that remained of the family were Naoya, Aisa, Shohei, Kastunosuki, Kiyoshi, Kuri, and Saori. However, in a final battle against the monsters, Naoya, Aisa, Shohei, Katsunosuki, and Kiyoshi were all killed. First Shohei and Naoya were killed, and then Aisa died trying to protect her children and granddaughter.
Date of Birth
5th of June, 1949
Date of Death
30th of May, 1989
1949 CE 1989 CE 40 years old
Hachimantai-shi, Iwate Prefecture, Tōhoku, Japan
Place of Death
Natori-shi, Miyagi Prefecture, Tōhoku, Japan
She / Her
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization