The town of Earlmac is an enigma of sorts as far as towns go. As a direct connection between two big cities that trade often, the town doesn't seem to have grown much. The famed Inn, The Glass Eye, has been known to hold many a famous adventurer, which expanded to hold a small guild hall for would be adventurers. The Wakeful was a guild started by an Aasimar who, with a small group of adventurers, was able to block a direct portal from the devils world. The Guilds founding was one of many that would start from those adventurers.
The essentials for any town exist, from a few tailors, a duo of blacksmiths, and other artisans, but one exception that separates this town from others is a wizard who settled down in the area. Stories surrounding the wizard vary, saying the wizard is an old orc, or a young elf, or a Dwarf with a pegged leg, but all share that this wizard is powerful, but friendly. The wizard is also known to post many bounties on the board for the Glass Eye.
Besides its location, Earlmac shares another rare feature for any town. It is one of a few locations known to house more than 3 permanent transportation circles. For a town, it is the only known to have even one. Surprisingly not many use these permanent transportation circles, some even argue that they don't work. Even stranger is not many have seen it used, let alone heard someone using them. A town of its own making, but beyond that a mystery on its own.