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Hashish Mélange (hash-eesh mey-lahnzh)

This substance, commonly used for smoking has a unique property that allows one's eyes to glow a bright blue. Very similar to tobacco, this substance is used in pipes, hookahs, and wrapped in paper. Besides it's obvious effects, hashish mélange also has a side effect that allows one's insight to increase. One must know of this effect in order to use it effectively.

When it's in use, the hashish mélange has a very provocative feel towards the senses, leaving one to feel at ease and at peace. This effect prevents an individual using this drug to be deceptive, simply because it prevents one from being anything but genuine. 

While taking hashish mélange and an hour afterwards all people who can be affected by drugs have disadvantage and a -5 on deception checks.
Item type
Drug / Narcotic / Medicine


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